Raine, R.

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Full Name

Roberta Raine


Assistant Professor in the Department of Translation at Lingnan University


PhD in Translation Studies in 1999 from the City University of Hong Kong

Other Information

Dr. Roberta Raine is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Translation at Lingnan University (http://www.ln.edu.hk/tran/), Hong Kong, where she has been teaching since 2005. Prior to that, she worked as a Chinese-English translator for human rights organizations in the US and Hong Kong. Dr. Raine received her PhD in Translation Studies in 1999 from the City University of Hong Kong, after having spent the previous 15 years studying Chinese. She is an American but has spent nearly half her life in Asia, living and working in Hong Kong, Taiwan and mainland China.

Though Chinese is her second language, she also has a keen interest in the Tibetan language and has been a practicing Buddhist in the Tibetan tradition for some 20 years. Thus, the project of investigating the history of translation in Tibet is one that is very dear to her heart, as it brings together and fulfills both her scholarly and personal aspirations. She hopes that the results of this project will be of practical and inspirational value to modern-day translators of Tibetan Buddhism, as well as to scholars of various fields.

Link to Roberta’s page on academia.edu: http://ln.academia.edu/RobertaRaine

Relevant Publications

Journal Articles

“Translating the Tibetan Buddhist Canon: Past Strategies, Future Prospects.” Forum 9.2 (2011): 157-186. Translating the TB Canon_Raine

“Minority Languages and Translator Training: What Tibetan Programmes Can Tell Us.” Journal of Specialised Translation (JoSTrans), No. 16 (2011): 126-144. Available at http://www.jostrans.org/issue16/art_raine.php

“Minority, Language and Translation in Tibet.” MTM 2 (2010): 35-53. Click here to download PDF

“The Translator in Tibetan History: Identity and Influence.” Forum 8.2 (2010): 133-161.      Click here to download PDF

Conference Papers

“’Translation Archaeology’: Researching Tibet’s Translation History.” The Making of a Translator Conference, April 29-30, 2012, The Language Training & Testing Center (LTTC), Taipei, Taiwan.

“Buddhist Translation in Tibetan and Chinese History: A Preliminary Comparative Study.” The Fourth Lingnan-Tsinghua Translation Symposium: Global and Local Contexts.” Lingnan University, Hong Kong, 18-19 December 2010.

“The Translator in Tibetan History.” The Fourth Asian Translation Traditions Conference. The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 15-17 December 2010.

“The Tibetan Language and Translator Training Programs: Policy, Practice and Politics.” 3rd Conference of the International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies (IATIS). Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, 8-10 July, 2009.

Source (Accessed Sept 17, 2012)


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