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Full Name

Nyanatiloka Maha Thera

Nyanatiloka Mahāthera


Biographical Data

Venerable Nyanatiloka Maha Thera (1878-1957) was the first Continental European bhikkhu to take up residence in Sri Lanka.
Born at Weiesbaden, Germany on February 19, 1878, his lay name was Anthen Florus Gueth.
The Maha Thera passed away on May 28, 1957 at the premises of the Dharmadutha Society, Colombo, where he spent the last rainy season (vassana) retreat of his long and fruitful life as a member of the Buddhist Sangha.

A larger part of the Ven. Nyanatiloka's work was done in the German language. His most voluminous publication is the complete translation of Anguttara Nikaya (5 volumes of 2000 pages). He also translated the Visuddhi Magga (Path to Purification) bringing for him a place in the first ranks of Buddhist scholarship. Most of his English works, including the Fundamentals of Buddhism were published by the Buddhist Literature Society, Colombo. Source


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