Holmes-Tagchungdarpa, A.
Holmes-Tagchungdarpa, A.
Full Name
Assistant Professor, University of Alabama History Department, 300 Bryant Drive, Tuscaloosa, AL 35401
Ph.D. Australian National University
Other Information
- Email: aholmes12@bama.ua.edu
Research Interests:
- Cultural history of the Himalayas and western China
- Modes of authority in the Tibetan cultural sphere
- The modern history of cultural interchange in borderland areas of the Tibetan cultural sphere- Sikkim, Kham, Bhutan, Ladakh
- The creation of memory and indigenous historiography in Asian societies
- Tibetan lay religious lineages
Recent Publications:
- “Contesting and Coalescing Definitions of Lay Buddhist Communities in Tibet: A case study of the lineage of Togden Shakya Shri (1853- 1919),” in Proceedings from Lay Buddhist in Everyday Life Conference, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 2007. Seoul: Chongji Education Office, 2007.
- “The Making of a Bhutanese Buddha: Preliminary Remarks on the Biography of Tenzin Gyatso, a Bhutanese Scholar- Yogi,” in Journal of Bhutan Studies, Volume 16, Summer 2007.
- “Bone and Heart Sons: Real and Imagined Kin in the Creation of Tibetan Buddhist Family Lineage,” in Liz Wilson (ed.). Family in Buddhism: Asian Buddhist Constructions of Kinship and Religious Authority. Forthcoming, 2009.
Current Projects:
- Mapping Constellations of Power in Himalayan Buddhism: The Life and Lineage of Togden Shakya Shri (1853-1919)
- The Genealogy of the Lhathog Kings
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