Heller, A.
Full Name
Amy Heller
CNRS, Paris (Tibetan studies unit 7133)
Other Information
Amy Heller is affiliated with CNRS, Paris (Tibetan studies unit 7133). She has traveled many times to Tibet, Nepal and along the Silk Road. Her trip to Tibet in 1995 as a part of team for evaluating restoration of monasteries of Gra thang and Zha lu and its subsequent research resulted in her book Tibetan Art (1999) published in English, French, Italian and Spanish. She has been curator for two exhibitions of Tibetan art (Yale University Art Gallery, and Beinecke Library, Yale). Her forthcoming book Hidden Treasures of the Himalaya: Tibetan manuscripts, paintings and sculptures of Dolpo is a study of the cultural history of Dolpo, Nepal, presenting a collection of 650 volumes of 12th-16th century illuminated Tibetan manuscripts conserved in an ancient Dolpo temple.
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