Hacker, P.M.S.

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Full Name

Peter Michael Stephan Hacker



Other Information

Peter Hacker studied philosophy, politics and economics at The Queen's College, Oxford from 1960-63. In 1963-65 he was senior Scholar at St. Antony's College, Oxford, where he began graduate work under the supervision of Professor H. L. A. Hart. His D.Phil thesis "Rules and Duties" was completed in 1966 during a Junior Research Fellowship at Balliol College, Oxford.

Since 1966 Peter Hacker has been a fellow of St. John's College, Oxford, and of the Oxford University philosophy department. His visiting positions at other universities include Makerere College, Uganda (1968); Swarthmore College, USA (1973 and 1986); University of Michigan, USA (1974); Milton C. Scott visiting professor at Queen's University, Kingston, Canada (1985); Visiting Fellow in Humanities at University of Bologna, Italy (2009). From 1985 to 1987 he was a British Academy Research Reader in the Humanities. In 1991-94 he was a Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellow. [1]


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