Charrier, C.

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Charrier, C.

FirstName / namefirst Christian
LastName / namelast Charrier
bio Masters degree in English and diploma in psycholinguistics; translator for Geshe Tengye, France; completed three-year retreat under Lama Gendun Rinpoche, le Bost, France; translation consultant for Tsadra Foundation, 2002-2003. Tsadra Foundation Fellow since 2004. Recent publication: Rayons de lune (Moonbeams of Mahamudra).


Previously Published Translations
• Kalachakra, Dalai Lama • La Roue aux lames acérées, Dharmarakshita, commentary by Geshé Tengyé • La voie progressive vers l’éveil, Jé Tsong Khapa

Completed Projects as a Tsadra Foundation Fellow
• Marpa, maître de Milarépa, sa vie, ses chants, Tsang Nyeun Hérouka • Vie de Jamgœun Kongtrul, écrite par lui-même, Jamgœun Kongtrul • L’Ondée de sagesse, Chants de la lignée Kagyu, Karmapa Mikyeu Dorje, Tènpai Nyinjé • Rayons de lune, Les étapes de la méditation du Mahamudra, Dakpo Tashi Namgyal • The Center of the Sunlit Sky: Madhyamaka in the Kagyü Tradition, Vol I, Pawo Rinpoche, the Eighth Karmapa Mikyö Dorje (from the English translation by Karl Brunnhölzl) • The Center of the Sunlit Sky: Madhyamaka in the Kagyü Tradition Vol II and III, Pawo Rinpoche, the Eighth Karmapa Mikyö Dorje (from the English translation by Karl Brunnhölzl)

languageprimary French
affiliation Tsadra Foundation
religiousaffiliation Geshe Tengye; Lama Gendun Rinpoche
currentworks 1. Tashi Namgyal’s Nor bu ’od zer; 366 folios translated from Tibetan to French. This translation, which started in January 2011 is now finalized. Since my previous report, I have done another thorough reading with the support of the Tibetan text and edited a few notes.

2. Maitreya’s Uttarantra and J. Kongtrul’s commentary (phyir mi ldog pa seng ge’i nga ro). This project started in January 2012 and so far the whole 280 pages (western style format) have been translated from Tibetan to French as a first draft. Since my previous report, after editing and finalizing my first draft of Kongtrul’s introduction, I have also started revising an rewriting the commentary per se, stanza after stanza, and have reached I.78 (80 pages) of the final translation.

3. Translation of Tsuklak Trengwa’s commentary on Shantideva’s Bodhiccarayavatara (9th chapter on wisdom) based on K. Brunnhölzl’s english translation (192 pages). This project started in January 2008 (for the whole book comprising 3 volumes). The first draft being finished, I started editing it with the support of the tibetan text.

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