Ngo rje ras pa

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Ngo rje ras pa

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MainNameTib ངོ་རྗེ་རས་པ་
MainNameWylie Ngo rje ras pa
AltNamesTib ཞེ་སྡང་རྡོ་རྗེ་  ·  བལ་བུ་གོངས་པ་
AltNamesWylie zhe sdang rdo rje  ·  bal bu gongs pa
AltNamesOther zhe sdang rdo rje  ·  bal bu gongs pa
BiographicalInfo Important philosopher of the 'bri gung bka' brgyud tradition
YearBirth 1090
YearDeath 1166
ReligiousAffiliation 'bri gung bka' brgyud
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