Dol po pa

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Dol po pa


Tibetan: དོལ་པོ་པ་ཤེས་རབ་རྒྱལ་མཚན།
Wylie: Dol po pa shes rab rgyal mtshan
dol po pa shes rab rgyal mtshan
shes rab mgon
' rton pa bzhi ldan

Other Transliterations in use:


birth 1292 at gtsang stod mnga' ris dol po gru gsum spu mdo
death 1361


Jo nang pa

Other Biographical Information


major figure in the 'bro transmission of the kalacakra precepts
"jo nang kun mkkhyen dol po shes rab rgyal mtshan dpal bzang po"
thob yig gang+gA'i chu rgyun (v. 2, p. 7)
1304. Fled to skyi-stengs dgon for ordination.
Teacher (not recorded): bla-ma 'jam-pa'i-dbyangs taught dol-po-pa the byams chos sde lnga, dbu ma rigs, bstod tshogs, gtam tshogs, dbang lung rjes gnang for about four years before 1314.
1322. Goes to jo-nang where he meets his principal master, chos-rje yon-tan-rgya-mtsho.
1327-1331. Builds the great mchod-rten of jo-nang in memory of yon-tan-rgya-mtsho.
1336. Travels to sa-skya, chu-bzang, lha-rtse rdzong, shangs, snar-thang, etc. to meditate and erect various images and retreats.
1348. Invited to rta-nag by the ri-khud-pa and taught for a year there.
Travelled to dbus where he taught extensively.
Writings comprise 174 treatises:
grub mtha' skor: 16
phar phyin skor: 7
gsol 'debs skor: 25
Rdo rje 'phreng ba'i skor: 3
Spring yig skor: 8
Gdams ngag dang dris lan skor: 12
Rnam thar sogs kyi skor: 16
Smon lam skor: 3
Bkra shis skor: 4

Main Students

Main Teachers


Writings About Dol po pa
