Bu ston
Tibetan: བུ་སྟོན་རིན་ཆེན་གྲུབ
Chinese Name:
Other Transliterations in use:
Birth: 1290 at gtsang stod khro phu shab smad sgom gnas Dgon pa
Death: 1364
Other Biographical Information
Important teacher in the transmission of the 'od zer dri med lha drug, 4th mandala of the rgyud sde kun btus; he received the teachings and transmitted them through the snar thang tradition of the bka' gdams
Teacher (not recorded): Dpon Rgyal-seng
Installed at Zhwa-lu by Sku-zhang Grags-pa-rgyal-mtshan.
1917. The 13th Dalai Lama carved his works on to blocks.
According to Zhwa-lu Ri-sbug Sprul-sku Blo-gsal-bstan-skyong, the works are:
gsang sngags kyi skor -- chos tshan 218
mdo'i skor -- 25
rig gnas kyi skor 55, for a total of 298 separate works as well as many translations.