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*Since October 2010: Head of the Asien-Afrika-Institut of Hamburg University
*Since July 07: Professor for Indian Buddhism at the Asien-Afrika-Institut of Hamburg University and Director of the Zentrum für Buddhismuskunde of Hamburg University
*May 05–June 07: Director of the Stanford Center for Buddhist Studies (Division of International Comparative & Area Studies)
*Oct 03–June 07: Assistant Professor of Buddhist Studies, Stanford University
*Apr–Oct 03: Postdoc research fellowship at the University of Munich in Indian Studies
*Apr 02–Mar 03: Directing the Nepal Research Centre in Kathmandu (an institute of the German Oriental Society) and the Nepalese branch of the Nepalese-German Manuscript Cataloguing Project (NGMCP) (a joint project between His Majesty's Government of Nepal and the Asia-Africa Institute of the University of Hamburg) in Nepal
*Apr 00–Mar 02: Instructor and lecturer in Indian Studies, Hamburg University; working for the Nepal-German Manuscript Preservation Project (NGMPP); preparing the title-catalogue of more than 150,000 texts for digital publication
*2002 Förderpreis der Dr. Helmut und Hannelore Greve Stiftung für Wissenschaften und Kultur
*1999 Fellowship of the International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology at Soka University, Tokyo
*1998 Fellowship of the International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology at Soka University, Tokyo
*1997 Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai (BDK; Society for the Promotion of Buddhism) Fellowship (for one year research in Japan; directed by Prof. K. Mimaki)
*1996 Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai (BDK; Society for the Promotion of Buddhism) Fellowship (for one year research in Japan; directed by Prof. K. Mimaki)
*1994 Participating at the "Intensive Summer Course of the Japanese Language for European Students Held at Kyoto University of Foreign Studies" (awarded to thirty European students annually by the Japanese Foreign Ministry)
*1991 Five Year Study Grant of the Robert Bosch Corp. (Stuttgart, Germany) +
[ CV] + +
P + +
Academic Appointments
Professor of Buddhist Studies, Cluster of Excellence "Asia and Europe in a Global Context", University of Heidelberg, 2018
Associate Professor in Religious Studies, Victoria University of Wellington, School of Art History, Classics and Religious Studies, 2005-2017
Alexander Von Humboldt Research Fellowship for Experienced Researchers, University of Hamburg Numata Center for Buddhist Studies, 2015
Numata Visiting Professorship in Buddhist Studies, University of Hamburg Numata Center for Buddhist Studies, 2013-2014
Visiting Associate Professor, Kyoto University Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, 2009
International Research Collaborations
"The Encounter of Chinese Buddhists with Indian Yogācāra Texts: A Comparative Study of Indian and Chinese Commentaries on Vasubandhu's Twenty Verses (Viṃśikā)." Led by Prof. Lin Chen-kuo (Chengchi U., Taipei). NT$2,689,080 (US$88,912). Funded by the Sheng Yen Education Foundation. Four scholars. 2014-2017.
"Negotiating Modernity: Buddhism between Tibet and China." Led by Profs. John Makeham (ANU), John Powers (ANU) and Jay Garfield (Smith/ Melbourne). AU$540,000 spread over three years. Funded by the Australian Research Council. Fourteen scholars. 2011-2013. (Withdrew.)
"Indian Buddhist Thought in Sixth and Seventh Century China." Led by Prof. Lin Chen-kuo, Chengchi University, Taipei. Funded by the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation. Approx. fifteen scholars. 2010-2012.
"Paramartha and His Times." Led by Prof. Funayama Tōru, Kyoto University. 29 scholars. 2006-2011.
Other Teaching
Victoria University of Wellington
Reli 103, Introduction to Asian Religions, 2005-2016
Reli 108, The World's Religions, 2008, 2014, 2016, 2017
Reli 110, Myth and Ritual, 2012
Reli 206, Introduction to Buddhism, 2005-2017
Reli 327, Special Topic: The Body in Religion, 2009
Reli 425, Advanced Studies in Asian Religions, 2005, 2006, 2009
Reli 427, Advanced Studies in Religious Texts, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2011, 2014, 2017
Reli 424, Advanced Studies in Religion and Society, 2012, 2013, 2016
Guest lectures: Reli 108, Reli 301, Reli 322, Reli 210, Reli 305, Asia 101, Japa 221, Chin 112, Reli 110, Reli 106; Txtt 201, 2005-2014
University of Hamburg, 2013-2014
Buddhism in China 381-581
Issues in the Study of the Mahāparinirvāṇa-mahāsūtra
Harvard University
Various Teaching Fellow (Teaching Assistant) positions, 2002-2005
Graduate Student Supervision (Completed)
Benno Blaschke. "Consciousness of God as God Is: The Phenomenology of Christian Centering Prayer." 2017. Recipient of a Dean’s award.
Atsushi Iseki. "The Presentation Form of the Inference in Dharmakīrti." Primary
supervisor. 2014.
David James (David Murphy). "Māori Orality and Extended Cognition: A Cognitive Approach to Memory and Oral Tradition in the Pacific." Second supervisor. 2014.
Donna Hendry. "Religion, Ethnicity and Identity in Burma." Ph.D. Second supervisor. 2012.
Wil Hoverd. "Gluttony & Sloth: The Moral Politics of Obesity Discourse." Primary
supervisor. 2011.
Andrew Mahoney. "The Evolutionary Origin and Biological Utility of Supernatural
Expertise." Second supervisor. 2011.
External Professional Service
Member, Board of Consulting Editors, Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, 2015-present
Member, Advisory Board, Oxford Translations of Chinese Thought Series, 2015-present
Member, Editorial Board, Singaporean Journal of Buddhist Studies, 2012-present
Member, Executive Committee, Australasian Association of Buddhist Studies, 2012-present
Member of External Review Board, Theology and Religious Studies, University of Otago, 2014
Treasurer, New Zealand Asian Studies Society, 2009-2012
Peer reviewing
University of Hamburg Buddhist Studies Series (University of Hamburg Press),
Austrian Science Fund, Brill’s Encyclopedia of Buddhism, Oxford Journal of Buddhist Studies, Buddhist Studies Review, Central Asiatic Journal, New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies, Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies, Singaporean Journal of Buddhist Studies, Indo-Iranian Journal, Relegere, Taida Foxue yanjiu 臺大佛學研究.
Scholarships, Prizes, Research Grants
Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Fellowship for Advanced Researchers, 2015
VUW Contestable Research Grant for two weeks' travel to Kyōto to collect materials for Paramārtha research project, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Victoria University of Wellington, 2006
Departmental Fellowship, East Asian Languages and Civilizations, Harvard University, 2000-2005
CUE (Bok Center) Certificate of Distinction in Teaching, Harvard University, Spring 2003
University of Auckland Masters Scholarship, 1995
Research Languages
English, classical Chinese, Sanskrit, Pali, classical Tibetan, Mandarin, Japanese, German, French, Italian.
Other Languages
Te Reo Māori (intermediate).
Professional Memberships
International Association of Buddhist Studies
Indogaku Bukkyōgaku Kenkyūkai 印度学佛教学研究会 (Japanese Association of Indian and Buddhist Studies)
Society for the Study of Chinese Religions
New Zealand Asian Studies Society
Australasian Association of Buddhist Studies
Selected publications
"On the Ekottarikāgama 增壹阿含經 T 125 as a Work of Zhu Fonian 竺佛念." Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies 30 (2017): 1-31.
"Problems of Attribution, Style, and Dating Relating to the "Great Cloud Sūtras" in the Chinese Buddhist Canon (T 387, T 388/S.6916)." In Buddhist Transformations and Interactions: Papers in Honor of Antonino Forte, edited by Victor Mair, Tansen Sen, and Chen Jinhua, 235-289. Amherst, NY: Cambria Press, 2017
"Were the Ekottarika-āgama 增壹阿含經 T 125 and the Madhyama-āgama 中阿含經 T 26 Translated by the Same Person? An Assessment on the Basis of Translation Style." In Research on the Madhyama-āgama, edited by Dhammadinnā, 209-237. Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts Research Series 5. Taipei: Dharma Drum Publishing Corporation, 2017 (with Anālayo Bhikkhu).
"Perfected Embodiment: A Buddhist-Inspired Challenge to Contemporary Theories of the Body." In Refiguring the Body: Embodiment in South Asian Religions, edited by Barbara A. Holdrege and Karen Pechelis, 17-58. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2016.
"Pure Mind in India: Indian Background to Paramārtha’s *Amalavijñāna." Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 39 (2016): 249-308.
"Chō toshite no tamashii, arui wa chō no tamashii 蝶としての魂 あるいは蝶の魂 [Butterfly Souls]." Special Issue for the Retirement of Professor Shingū Kazushige 新宮一成教授 退職記念号. Ningen sonzairon 人間存在論/Menschenontologie 22 (2016): 17-27.
"A ‘Prehistory’ to Chinese Debates on the Survival of Death by the Spirit, with a Focus on the Term shishen 識神/shenshi 神識." Journal of Chinese Religions 44, no. 2 (2016): 105-126.
"Tibetan Evidence for the Sources of Chapters of the Synoptic Suvarṇaprabhāsottama-sūtra T664 Ascribed to Paramārtha." Buddhist Studies Review 32, no. 2 (2015): 245-270.
The Mahāparinirvāṇa-mahāsūtra and the Emergence of Tathāgatagarbha Doctrine. Hamburg Buddhist Studies 5. Edited by Michael Zimmermann. Hamburg: Hamburg University Press, 2015.
Review of The Body Incantatory: Spells and the Ritual Imagination in Medieval Chinese Buddhism, by Paul Copp. Sheng Yen Series in Buddhist Studies. New York: Columbia University Press, 2014. Tang Studies 33 (2015): 91-110.
"Tathāgatagarbha Scriptures." In Brill's Encyclopedia of Buddhism, Volume One: Literature and Languages, edited by Jonathan Silk, Oskar von Hinüber, and Vincent Eltschinger, 261-273. Leiden: Brill, 2015.
Lin, Chen-kuo and Michael Radich, eds. A Distant Mirror: Articulating Indic Ideas in Sixth and Seventh Century Chinese Buddhism. Hamburg: Hamburg University Press, 2014.
Radich, Michael. "Ideas about 'Consciousness' in Fifth and Sixth Century Chinese Buddhist Debates on the Survival of Death by the Spirit, and the Chinese Background to *Amalavijñāna." In A Distant Mirror: Articulating Indic Ideas in Sixth and Seventh Century Chinese Buddhism, edited by Chen-kuo Lin and Michael Radich, 471-512. Hamburg: Hamburg University Press, 2014.
Radich, Michael and Chen-kuo Lin. "Introduction." In A Distant Mirror: Articulating Indic Ideas in Sixth and Seventh Century Chinese Buddhism, edited by Chen-kuo Lin and Michael Radich, 15-31. Hamburg: Hamburg University Press, 2014.
"On the Sources, Style and Authorship of Chapters of the Synoptic Suvarṇaprabhāsottama-sūtra T664 Ascribed to Paramārtha (Part 1)." Annual Report of The International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology 17 (2014): 207-244.
"Immortal Buddhas and Their Indestructible Embodiments: The Advent of the Concept of Vajrakāya." Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 34 (2011 [2013]): 227-290.
"External Evidence Relating to Works Ascribed to Paramārtha, with a Focus on Traditional Chinese Catalogues." In Shintai sanzō kenkyū ronshū 真諦三藏研究論集 [Studies of the Works and Influence of Paramartha], edited by Funayama Tōru 船山徹, 39-102[L]. Kyoto: Kyōto daigaku jinbun kagaku kenkyūjo/Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University, 2012.
How Ajātaśatru Was Reformed: The Domestication of "Ajase" and Stories in Buddhist History. Studia Philologica Buddhica Monograph Series XXVII. Tokyo: The International Institute for Buddhist Studies, 2011.
"Embodiments of the Buddha in Sarvâstivāda Doctrine: With Special Reference to the *Mahavibhāṣā." Annual Report of The International Research Institute for Advanced Buddhology 13 (2010): 121-172
"Budda no 'karada' ['Bodies' of the Buddha]." Jinkan Forum ['Forum', Bulletin of the Graduate School of Human and Environmental Studies, Kyoto University] 26 (2010): 48-53.
"The Doctrine of *Amalavijñāna in Paramārtha (499-569), and Later Authors to Approximately 800 C.E." Zinbun 41 (2008): 45-174.
"Problems and Opportunities in the Study of the Bodies of the Buddha", New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies 9, 1 (June, 2007): 46-69.
"Being Irrational": Lacan, the Objet a, and the Golden Mean (Tokyo: Gakuju Shoin, 2004), translation of Shingū Kazushige, Rakan no seishinbunseki (Kōdansha).
"Shôbôgenzô ‘Kaiin zanmai’." Translated with Carl Bielefeldt, Dharma Eye, No. 14 (Spring, 2004).
([ Source Accessed July 20, 2018])
[ CV] +
'''Robert M. Gimello''' 詹密羅 '''''Brief Curriculum Vitae''''' (November 2018)
Specialist in the history of E. Asian religions. Chief research and teaching interests: the history of
Buddhism in E. Asia (particularly China, but also Korea and Japan); theology of religions; comparative
mysticism; philosophy of religion; religion and visual culture.
'''Formal Education:'''
* B.A. in English & Asian Studies, Seton Hall University, 1964
* M.A. in Chinese, Seton Hall University, 1965
* Ph.D. in East Asian Languages and Cultures, Columbia University, 1976
* Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, University of Tokyo, 1979
'''Academic Appointments:'''
* Columbia University, Preceptor & Associate in E. Asian Languages & Civilizations, 1969-71
* Dartmouth College, Department of Religion: Lecturer, 1971-75
* King's College, University of London, Faculty of Theology: Visiting Lecturer, 1974
* University of California at Santa Barbara, Department of Religious Studies:
* Assistant Professor, 1976-79 , Associate Professor, 1979-81
* University of Arizona:
* Professor of Oriental Studies and Head of the Department of Oriental Studies, 1981-1987
* Professor of East Asian Studies and Religious Studies, 1987-2000
* Acting Associate Dean of the College of Humanities, 1991-1993
* Acting Head of the Departments of French & Italian and East Asian Studies 1997-98
* Head of the Department of French and Italian, 1998-99
* Professor Emeritus of East Asian Studies, 2001-
* Chinese Institute of Buddhist Studies (Zhonguo Foxue Yanjiusuo 中國佛學研究所 — Taipei): Visiting Professor, 1992
* Ruprecht-Karl Universität Heidelberg, Sinologisches Seminar: Visiting Professor, 1994
* Eötvös Loránd University (Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem), Budapest: Visiting Professor of Chinese Studies, Summer 2000
* The Charles University (Universitas Carolina/Univerzity Karlovy), Prague: Visiting Professor of Chinese Studies, Summer 2002
* Harvard University, Dept. of East Asian Languages & Civilizations: Visiting Professor, 1999–2006
* Seoul National University, Visiting Professor: Winter 2006
* University of Notre Dame, Research Prof. of Theology & E Asian Languages & Cultures: 2006-
* Stanford University, Shinnyo-en 真如苑 Visiting Professor of Buddhist Studies: Spring-Summer 2010
* Major fellowships and grants from, among others, the US Department of Education, the American Council of Learned Societies, the Japan Foundation, the Social Science Research Council, the National Endowment for the Humanities, and the Chiang Ching-kuo Foundation.
* Extensive research travel in Asia; guest lecturer at numerous institutions in the US and abroad.
* Recipient (twice) of the University of Arizona "Award for Superior Teaching."
* Former President of the Society for the Study of Chinese Religions (1989 to 1991); service on numerous professional boards, committees, etc.
'''Some Recent Publications:
* "Icon and Incantation: The Goddess Zhunti 准提 and the Rôle of Images in the Occult Buddhism of China," in ''Images in Asian Religions: Texts and Contexts'', edited by Phyllis Granoff and Koichi Shinohara (Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2004): 225-256.
* Entry on "Enlightenment" in ''The Encyclopedia of Buddhism'', edited by Robert E. Buswell. New York: Macmillan, Thompson, Gale, 2004.
* "Echoes of the ''Dìlùn'' 地論 (Asaṅga's ''Treatise on the Ten Stages of the Bodhisattva Path'') in the Thought of Ŭisang 義湘," in Jiron shisō no keisei to hen'yō 地論思想の形成と変容 (The Formation and Transformation of the Thought of the ''Treatise on the Stages''), ed. by the Geumgang University Center for the Study of Buddhist Culture 金剛大學校佛教文化研究所. Tokyo: Kokusho kankōkai 国書刊 行会, 2010. (Note: A Korean translation of this book, including a Korean translation of my article, was separately published in Seoul by Geumgang University Press, also in 2010.)
* ''Avataṃsaka Buddhism in East Asia: Origins and Adaptations of a Visual Culture'', coedited with Frédéric Girard (Paris) and Imre Hamar (Budapest). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2012.
* "A Depth of Otherness: Buddhism and Benedict XVI's Theology of Religions," in ''Explorations in the Theology of Benedict XVI'', edited by John C. Cavadini (Notre Dame, Indian: University of Notre Dame Press, 2012): 114-141.
* "Shijian yu chushijian ''"huaijing"'': Wutaishan "shensheng" foshan de youlai" 世间与出世间'坏境': 五台山与'神圣'佛山的由来 ('Environments' Worldly and Otherworldly: Wutaishan and the Origin of a 'Sacred' Buddhist Mountain), ''Fayin'' 法音 (''Voice of the Dharma'') July, 2104 (#359), 29-32.
* "Huayan 華嚴 and Mijiao 密教: Affinities of Doctrine and Practice," ''Huayan Xuebao'' 華嚴學報 (''Journal of Huayan Studies'' — Taiwan), No. 8 (2015), 57-103.
* ''A Design for Liberation: An Annotated Translation, with Commentary, of the Inaugural Text of the Korean Huayan'' 華嚴 ''(Hwaŏm) Tradition — Ŭisang's'' 義湘 ''Diagram of the Realm of Truth According to the One Vehicle'' (''Ilsŭng pŏpkyedo'' 一乘法界圖). Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, forthcoming in 2019.
* "Intimations of Presence in the Religion of Emptiness: A Proposed Focus for Buddhist-Christian Dialogue," in ''Evangelization as Interreligious Dialogue'', ed. by John C. Cavadini and Donald Wallenfang. Eugene, Oregon: Wipf & Stock, forthcoming in 2019.
* "On the Mutual Entailment of the 'Not-Awake' 不覺 and the 'Awake' 覺 Natures of the Mind in the Thought of Fǎzàng 法藏: An Analysis of Selected Passages from Dàshèng qǐxìn lùn yìjì 大乘起信論義記," ''Dongya foxue pinglun'' 东亚佛学评论 (Review of East Asian Buddhist Studies) no. 3, 2019. ([ Source Accessed June 12, 2019]) +
Sam Van Schaik has worked with the Stein Collection at the British Library for the International Dunhuang Project (IDP: since 1999. In the beginning, Sam worked on the Central Asian manuscripts from the Tibetan imperial period. Between 2002 and 2005 Sam compiled a detailed catalogue of the Tibetan tantric manuscripts from Dunhuang. At the moment Sam is engaged in an ongoing research project on the palaeography of the Tibetan and Chinese Dunhuang manuscripts. Recent publications include Esoteric Buddhism at Dunhuang (Brill, 2010) and Manuscripts and Travellers: The Sino-Tibetan Documents of a Tenth-century Buddhist Pilgrim (de Gruyter, 2010). [ Source-(Accessed Feb 7, 2011)]. +
[ CV] +
[ Scott Hurley CV] +
BA, Buddhist Studies, Faculty of Letters, Kyoto University, 2000-2004.
MA, Buddhist Studies, Faculty of Letters, Kyoto University, 2004-2006.
Ph.D., Buddhist Studies, Faculty of Letters, Kyoto University, 2006-2009.
CDFJ Scholarship Student, Ecole Pragique des Hautes Etudes (EPHE), FRANCE, 2007-2008.
JSPS Research Fellow (PD), Institute for Research in Humanities, Kyoto University, 2009-2011.
Assistant Professor, Hakubi Center for Advanced Research, Kyoto University, 2011-2012.
Senior Lecturer, Kyoto Womens’ University, 2012-2013.
Assocate Professor, Kokoro Research Center, Kyoto University, 2012-2013.
Assocate Professor (Uehiro Kokoro Studies), Kokoro Research Center, Kyoto University, 2013-present.
Kyoto University Ph.D. (Literature) + +
Director of Programs
Mind & Life Institute
Faculty, Department of Religious Studies. Affiliated Faculty at the Contemplative Sciences Center and Tibet Center.
University of Virginia. Charlottesville, VA 2016—Present
Visiting Researcher
Kyoto University. Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability. Kyoto, Japan. 2018
Visiting Scholar
Harvard University, Divinity School. Cambridge, 2016
Director of Research
Buddhist Digital Resource Center (formerly Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center). Cambridge, MA 2011-2015
Adjunct Professor
Boston College. Theology Department. Boston, MA
Lecturer in Asian Religions
The New School University, Eugene Lang College. New York, NY 2009-2012
Academic Program Director
The New School University. Study Abroad in Tibet. New York, NY 2011-2012
Senior Editor
Tibetan Buddhist Resource Center. New York, NY 2009-2011
Adjunct Professor
Manhattanville College. Asian Studies Department. Purchase, NY 2008-2010
Adjunct Professor
City University of New York. Asian Studies Department. New York, NY 2008-2009
'''Recent Presentations and Public Lectures'''
A Comparative Analysis of Digital Manuscripts from Eastern Tibet
Centre for the Study of Manuscript Culture
University of Hamburg. Hamburg, Germany. 2015
Methods and Pathways in the Study of Digital Tibetan Manuscripts
The Martin Center for the Advanced Study of Religion
The University of Chicago Divinity School. Chicago, IL. 2015
An Ontology for the Digital Tibetan Book
“Symposium on the Tibetan Book”
The University of Virginia. Charlottesville, VA. 2014
The Jonang in 18th Century Tibet
Harvard University. Cambridge, MA. 2014
Ecumenism in Tibet
University of Colorado. Boulder, CO. 2013
A Buddhist Tradition on the Edge: The Migration and Marginalization of the Jonangpa in Tibet
Center for the Study of World Religions
Harvard Divinity School. Cambridge, MA. 2013
Three Years in Tibet: Reflections from a Buddhist Monastery
The University of Alabama. Tuscaloosa, AL. 2012
Values in Tibetan Buddhist Education
Wheaton College. Norton, MA. 2012
Bibliographic Sources for Tibetan Studies: A TBRC Workshop
Columbia University. New York, NY. 2012
Technology and Translation in the Future of Tibetan Studies
Tibetan Studies After Gene Smith and Directions for the Future
Columbia University. New York, NY. 2011
Applied Scholarship in Tibetan Cultural Regions of China
The University of Alabama. Tuscaloosa, AL. 2010
Zhentong Buddhist Philosophy in the Jonang Tradition
Skidmore College. Saratoga Springs, NY. 2010
Visualizing the Tantric Buddhist Mandala
Yale University. New Haven, CT. 2010
On the History of the Jonang Kalachakra Tradition
Tibet House. New York, NY. 2009
'''Conference Presentations'''
An Entangled Buddhist History: Shangs pa Lineage Networks, Transmission Strategies, and their Records of Reception in Tibet
“Transference and Transmission in Indo-Tibetan Buddhist ‘Philosophical’ Traditions”
XVIIth Congress of the International Association of Buddhist Studies
University of Vienna. Austria. 2014
Materializing Dreams and Omens: Narrative Devices in the Autobiographical Writing of the Tibetan Yoginī Trinle Wangmo
“Writing Tibetan Women”
American Academy of Religion. Baltimore, MD. 2013
Charting Par khang Culture: Towards an Analytics of Early Xylographic Literary Production in Tibet
“Among Digital Texts: Remembering Gene Smith”
International Association of Tibetan Studies. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. 2013
In Your Face: Bamda Tubten Gelek’s Up-Close Personal Advice
“Translating Buddhist Luminaries: A Conference on Ecumenism and Tibetan Translation”
University of Colorado. Boulder. 2013
Relocating the Tibetan Manuscript Writings of Kunga Drolchok (1507-1566)
“Documentary and Manuscript Sources from Tibet”
Association of Asian Studies. San Diego, CA. 2013
Mapping Scholarship on Tibet: Recent Findings of Jonang Monasteries
National Outreach Scholarship Conference
The University of Alabama. Tuscaloosa, AL. 2012.
Conducting Tibetological Research: A TBRC Workshop
International Seminar of Young Tibetologists
Kobe City University of Foreign Studies. Kobe, Japan. 2012
Accessing a Global Vision of Tibetan Literary Culture
“Preservation of the Literary Heritage”
Third International Conference on the Tibetan Language.
Columbia University. New York, NY. 2011
A Buddhist Hermeneutic of Time: Tibetan Recalculations of the Buddhist Councils and Zhentong Literary History in India
“India in the Asian Buddhist Imagination,” Buddhism Section
American Academy of Religion. San Francisco, CA. 2011
Banned Books, Sealed Printeries and Neglected Dkar chag: Precursors and Prospects in Light of E. Gene Smith’s Contributions to Tibetan Literary Studies
“E. Gene Smith: Remembering His Life and Works”
International Association of Buddhist Studies. Taiwan. 2011
Codifying the Krtyuga: Preliminary Remarks on a Literary History of Gzhan stong in Tibet
“Rang stong / Gzhan stong: Perspectives on the Discourse in India and Tibet”
International Association of Buddhist Studies. Taiwan. 2011
Identity Politics of Re-Embodiment: Lineage Formation in Tibetan and Mongolian Accounts of Rje btsun Tā ra nā tha’s (1575-1635) Death and the Birth of Khal kha Blo bzang bstan pa’i rgyal mtshan (1635-1723)
“Madness, Smallpox, and Death in Tibet,” Tibetan and Himalayan Religions Group
American Academy of Religion. Atlanta, GA. 2010
Revealing the Gsang ba’i ye shes: Reflections on the Autobiography of the Female Jo nang pa Adept Rje bstun ma ‘Phrin las dbang mo (1585-c.1668)
“The Jo nang pa: Narrative, Transmission, and Tradition Reconsidered”
International Association of Tibetan Studies.
University of British Colombia, Vancouver, Canada. 2010
Life after Tāranātha: Priorities and Strategies for Sustaining Esoteric Buddhist Knowledge Transmission Among the Jonangpa in 17th Century Tibet
“Strategies of Buddhist Knowledge Transmission: Texts, Techniques, and Technologies in Tibet,” Tibetan and Himalayan Religions Group
American Academy of Religion. Montreal, Canada. 2009
Is the Uttaratantra-śastra Really a Madhyamaka Text?: Jonangpa Understandings of Tibetan Buddhist Doxography and Historiography
“The Uttaratantra in Tibet,” Buddhist Philosophy and Tibetan and Himalayan Religions Group
American Academy of Religion. Chicago, IL. 2008
Tāranātha’s Secret: Reading from the Autobiography of the Tibetan Female Adept Phrin las dbang mo
TBRC/Rubin Foundation Scholars Seminar. New York, NY. 2008
Retelling Mahayana History: Jo nang Sources for the Indian and Tibetan Transmissions of Gzhan stong Madhyamaka
“Mahayana Buddhism Section”
International Association of Buddhist Studies. Atlanta, GA. 2008
[ CV] +
Yehan Numata Professor of Buddhist Studies; Fellow of Balliol College +
[ CV] + +