Casey Forgues Kemp

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Kemp, C.

Kemp, Casey-Shambhala Pubs-Official.jpg
PersonType Category:Authors of English Works
FirstName / namefirst Casey
LastName / namelast Forgues
MainNamePhon Casey Forgues Kemp
SortName Kemp, Casey
bio Casey Kemp received her Master’s degree from Oxford University in Tibetan Buddhist philosophy, and she has worked closely with the Drikung Kagyu monastic community in Europe and Asia. She is completing her PhD dissertation on the concept of luminosity in the early Tibetan Mahāmudrā tradition through the University of Vienna. She has translated and edited for 84000 and was Snow Lion editor at Shambhala Publications in Boulder until becoming Editorial Director of the Khyentse Vision Project.

affiliation Shambhala Publications
phduniversity Universität Wien
IsInGyatsa No
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