Thomas Yarnall

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Yarnall, T.

Yarnall Thomas-Columbia.jpg
PersonType Category:Authors of English Works
FirstName / namefirst Thomas
LastName / namelast Yarnall
namemiddle Freeman
MainNamePhon Thomas Yarnall
SortName Yarnall, Thomas
bio Dr. Tom Yarnall is an Associate Research Scholar and Adjunct Professor in the Department of Religion at Columbia University in New York. As a teacher he specializes in Indo-Tibetan Buddhist Studies, teaching courses in Buddhist history, philosophy, ethics, and contemplative sciences, and in Tibetan and Sanskrit languages. As a researcher he works with the Columbia Center for Buddhist Studies (CCBS) and the Columbia-affiliated American Institute of Buddhist Studies (AIBS), serving as the Executive Editor for the “Treasury of the Buddhist Sciences” series of translations of works from the Tibetan Tengyur (and associated literature), being co-published by AIBS, CCBS, and Tibet House US, and being distributed by Columbia University Press. He participated as an AIBS representative at the Khyentse Foundation’s Translators’ Conference in Bir, India in 2009, and was a principal organizer and host of (and a participant in) the AIBS Tengyur Translation Conference in Sarnath, India in 2011.

Dr. Yarnall began his engagement with Buddhism over 35 years ago (in the late 70s), studying with Tibetan Lamas from all four orders (including H.H. the Dalai Lama, H.H. Sakya Dagchen Rinpoche, Ven. Dezhung Rinpoche, and many others), while earning a B.A. in Religion (Buddhist Studies) at Amherst College in 1983. He later enrolled in the graduate program in Religion at Columbia University, earning an M.A., an M.Phil, and ultimately a Ph.D. (with honors) in 2003. Dr. Yarnall’s own scholarly work has focused on Mādhyamika philosophy, Buddhist ethics, and especially on Indian and Tibetan Tantric materials of the Unexcelled Yoga class. His study and translation of the creation stage chapters of Tsong Khapa’s Great Treatise on the Stages of Mantra (sngags rim chen mo) was published in the “Treasury of the Buddhist Sciences” series in 2013.

associatedwebsite Faculty Page
languageprimary English
languagetranslation Tibetan
languagetarget English
affiliation Columbia University; American Institute of Buddhist Studies
religiousaffiliation Rime
phduniversity Columbia University
  • Ph.D., Religion, Columbia University, 2003
  • M.Phil., Religion, Columbia University, 1998
  • M.A., , Religion, Columbia University, 1995
  • B.A., Religion, Amherst College, 1983
Other wikis

Other Information[edit]

Journal List, Tom Yarnall, Columbia University

Template:DRL Authors of English Works