Karma Trinley Rinpoche IV

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Thinley, Karma

Karma Thinley Rinpoche Wikipedia.jpg
PersonType Category:Authors of Tibetan Works
Category:Ordained (Monks and Nuns)
Category:Tibetan Buddhist Teachers
FirstName / namefirst Karma
LastName / namelast Thinley
MainNamePhon Karma Trinley Rinpoche IV
MainNameTib ཀརྨ་འཕྲིན་ལས་རིན་པོ་ཆེ་
MainNameWylie kar+ma 'phrin las rin po che
SortName Thinley Rinpoche, Karma
bio Karma Thinley Rinpoche, (b. 1931) is an important lama of the Kagyu and Sakya traditions of Tibetan Buddhism active in the west highly regarded as a meditation master, scholar, and poet.

(Source Accessed April 21, 2023)

YearBirth 1931
BornIn Nangchen, Kham
associatedwebsite https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karma_Thinley_Rinpoche
BDRC https://library.bdrc.io/show/bdr:P00KG09735
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Wylie: Karma 'phrin las

Other Transliterations in use:
Lama Wangchen Karma Thinley


(b. 1931)




Other Biographical Information

Main Students

Main Teachers


Writings About Thinley, Karma

