Lea Terhune

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Terhune, L.

Terhune Lea Wisdom.jpg
PersonType Category:Authors of English Works
MainNamePhon Lea Terhune
bio Lea Terhune is a professional writer and journalist based in India, where she has lived since 1982. Currently editor of SPAN (a magazine of the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi), she has also worked as a correspondent and producer for CNN International, ABC News Radio, and Voice of America. Her work has appeared in The Far-Eastern Economic Review, Asiaweek, International Herald Tribune, San Francisco Chronicle, Yoga Journal, and ABCNews.com. She lives in New Delhi. (Source: Wisdom Experience)
  • Terhune, Lea. Karmapa: The Politics of Reincarnation. Boston: Wisdom Publications, 2004.
  • Terhune, Lea, ed. Awakening the Sleeping Buddha. By the Twelfth Tai Situpa (pad+ma don yod nyin byed). Boston: Shambhala Publications, 1996.
IsInGyatsa No
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Full Name

Lea Terhune


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