Jikido Takasaki

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Takasaki, J.

PersonType Category:Authors of English Works
Category:Authors of Japanese Works
FirstName / namefirst Jikidō
LastName / namelast Takasaki
MainNamePhon Jikido Takasaki
SortName Takasaki, Jikido
bio Jikido Takasaki, D. Litt. (1926-2013), was a specialist in Indian Buddhism, especially the philosophy of Mahayana Buddhism. After graduating from the University of Tokyo in 1950, he studied at the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute at Poona, making a special study of the Ratnagotravibhaga, for which he received a Ph.D. degree in 1959 from the University of Poona. He began his teaching career in 1957 at Komazawa University, Tokyo, and after a period of teaching at Osaka University he eventually gained a professorship at the University of Tokyo in 1977, from where he retired in 1987. (Source Accessed Oct 24, 2019)
YearBirth 1926
YearDeath 2013
BornIn Japan
languageprimary Japanese, English
languagetranslation Tibetan; Chinese; Sanskrit
languagetarget English, Japanese
affiliation University of Tokyo
phduniversity University of Poona
education 1959, PhD, University of Poona
IsInGyatsa No
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Other Information

Recent Publication: Collected Papers on the Tathagatagarbha Doctrine by Jikido Takasaki ISBN (Hardbound): ISBN 8120839447, ISBN 9788120839441

PDF for A Study of the Ratnagotravibhaga: http://lirs.ru/lib/uttara/A_Study_of_Ratnagotravibhaga,Takasaki,1966.pdf
