Lodrö Sangpo

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Sangpo, L.

Sangpo Lodrö Karma Changchub Ling.jpeg
PersonType Category:Translators
Category:Ordained (Monks and Nuns)
FirstName / namefirst Lodrö
LastName / namelast Sangpo
MainNamePhon Lodrö Sangpo
nametitlepre Gelong
bio Gelong Lodrö Sangpo is a student of the late Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. After receiving his first ordination in the Karma Kagyü Sangha in 1984, he moved to Gampo Abbey in 1985 and received bhikshu ordination in 1987 from H.E. Jamgön Kongtrül Rinpoche. From 1990–1996 he participated in the first group of three-year retreatants at Söpa Chöling and afterwards entered a four-year study retreat. He served as acting Director of Gampo Abbey for some years and is one of the co-founders of the Nitartha Institute for Higher Buddhist Studies.

Lodrö Sangpo currently is head of the Chökyi Gyatso Translation Committee and has published an English translation of Erich Frauwallner’s The Philosophy of Buddhism (Motilal Banarsidass). His annotated English translation of Louis de La Vallée Poussin’s Vasubandhu’s Abhidharmakośabhāṣya was published in 2012 (4 volumes: Motilal Banarsidass). He is presently working on an English translation of Professor Lambert Schmithausen’s Collected Writings.

He has been a senior teacher of Vidyādhara Institute since its inception and serves as its chair. (Source Accessed May 18, 2015)

associatedwebsite http://www.gampoabbey.org/kosha-resources.php
languageprimary English
languagetranslation German; Tibetan
languagetarget English
affiliation Chökyi Gyatso Translation Committee
affiliationsecondary Gampo Abbey; Shambhala International
religiousaffiliation Kagyu
currentworks English translation of Professor Lambert Schmithausen’s Collected Writings.
IsInGyatsa No
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