Patrick Pranke

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Pranke, P.

Pranke Patrick-University of Louisville.png
PersonType Category:Authors of English Works
FirstName / namefirst Patrick
LastName / namelast Pranke
MainNamePhon Patrick Pranke
SortName Pranke, Patrick
bio Patrick Pranke received his PhD at the University of Michigan. Dr. Pranke holds a Ph.D. in Buddhist Stuides from the University of Michigan, currently he is an Assistant Professor of Humanities at the University of Louisville. His area of specialization is Burmese Buddhism and Burmese popular cults, research for which he conducted over the course of several years in the Sagaing Hills, Upper Burma. In addition to his experiences in Burma, Dr. Pranke has been a teacher and administrator on the University of Wisconsin's College of the Year India Program, and Antioch College's Buddhist Studies Program in North India, and he maintains strong academic interests in Hindu fold traditions. (Source Accessed June 2, 2023)
affiliation University of Louisville
phduniversity University of Michigan
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