Douglas Osto

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Osto, D.

Osto Douglas.jpg
PersonType Category:Authors of English Works
FirstName / namefirst Douglas
LastName / namelast Osto
MainNamePhon Douglas Osto
SortName Osto, Douglas
bio D.E. Osto (a.k.a. 'Douglas Osto', 'Dr D', or 'Dee' to friends; pronouns: they/them) is a member of the Philosophy Programme in the School of Humanities, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand. D specializes in Indian Mahayana Buddhism, South Asian religions and philosophies, contemporary Buddhist and Hindu practice. (Source Accessed June 1, 2021)
associatedwebsite Personal Website
phduniversity University of London
  • PhD, SOAS, University of London, 2004
  • MA, University of Washington, 1999
  • MTS, Harvard University, 1995
  • BA, Grinnell College, 1991
IsInGyatsa No
Other wikis

Full Name[edit]

Douglas Osto File:Osto, Douglas from douglasosto dot com Accessed November 2, 2011.jpg


Lecturer, Programme Coordinator

Religious Studies Programme, Massey University


Other Information[edit]


Template:Footer Template:DRL Authors of English Works