Ivan Minaev

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Minaev, I.

Minaev Ivan.jpg
PersonType Category:Other Authors
Category:Other Researchers
FirstName / namefirst Ivan
LastName / namelast Minaev
namemiddle Pavlovitch
MainNamePhon Ivan Minaev
SortName Minaev, Ivan
bio Ivan Pavlovich Minayev, or Minayeff, was the first Russian Indologist whose disciples included Serge Oldenburg, F. Th. Stcherbatsky, and Dmitry Kudryavsky. As a student of Vasily Vasiliev at the University of Saint Petersburg, he developed an interest in Pali literature and went abroad to prepare a catalogue of Pali manuscripts at the British Museum and the Bibliothèque Nationale (still unpublished). His Russian-language Pali grammar (1872) was soon translated into French (1874) and English (1882). Minayev's magnum opus, Buddhism: Untersuchungen und Materialien, was printed in 1887. . . . As a member of the Russian Geographical Society he travelled in India and Burma and Nepal in 1874–75, 1880, and 1885–86. His travel journals were published in English in 1958 and 1970. (Source Accessed Mar 1, 2021)
YearBirth 1840/10/21
YearDeath 1890/06/13
IsInGyatsa No
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