Gertraud Taenzer
Taenzer, G.
PersonType | Category:Authors of English Works |
FirstName / namefirst | Gertraud |
LastName / namelast | Taenzer |
MainNamePhon | Gertraud Taenzer |
SortName | Taenzer, Gertraud |
bio | Gertraud Taenzer is an independant scholar. Her current research interests are old Tibetan wood-slips of the Southern Taklamakan and the Tsaidam Basin and the secular manuscripts of the post Tibetan period (period of Guiyi jun rule) from Dunhuang. Her publications include "The 'A zha Country under the Tibetans in the 8th and 9th Century: A Survey of Land Registration and Taxation Based on a Sequence of Three Manuscripts of the Stein Collection from Dunhuang". In Scribes, Texts, and Rituals in Early Tibet and Dunhuang, edited by Brandon Dotson, Kazushi Iwao and Tsuguhito Takeuchi, 25–43. Wiesbaden: Reichert
Verlag, 2013. |
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