Robert B. Zeuschner

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Zeuschner, R.

PersonType Category:Authors of English Works
FirstName / namefirst Robert
LastName / namelast Zeuschner
MainNamePhon Robert B. Zeuschner
SortName Zeuschner, Robert
bio Robert Zeuschner teaches Philosophy at Pasadena City College. He has taught in Departments of Philosophy at the University of California at Santa Barbara, Occidental College, and the Department of Asian Studies at the University of Southern California. He has also taught in the Department of Religion at the University of California at Riverside. He received his Ph.D. in Asian and Comparative Philosophy from the University of Hawaii at Manoa and taught philosophy courses at several Hawaiian institutions. He has published translations of Chinese Buddhist texts and numerous articles in philosophical journals. Dr. Zeuschner is the author of a descriptive bibliography of the works of Edgar Rice Burroughs and is assistant editor for the Burroughs Bulletin, the quarterly journal of the Edgar Rice Burroughs literary society. He has appeared on the A&E Biography series. Dr. Zeuschner has many interests. He has been a rare book collector since he was ll years old, and collects art, including Chinse calligraphy and sumi-e painting. He studies Japanaese Zen gardens in Kyoto, and please classical guitar and acoustic blues guitar styles. (Source Accessed June 14, 2023)
YearBirth 1941
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