Kachu Lobzang Palden

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Revision as of 14:05, 9 February 2023 by AlexC (talk | contribs)

Dka' bcu blo bzang dpal ldan

PersonType Category:Abbots
Category:Authors of Tibetan Works
MainNamePhon Kachu Lobzang Palden
MainNameTib དཀའ་བཅུ་བློ་བཟང་དཔལ་ལྡན་
MainNameWylie dka' bcu blo bzang dpal ldan
AltNamesTib ཨུ་རྒ་བླ་མ་བློ་བཟང་དཔལ་ལྡན་
AltNamesWylie u rga bla ma blo bzang dpal ldan
bio Abbot of Ri bo dge rgyas dgon in Mongolia. Teacher was Zhabs drung chos rje ngag dbang tshe ring.
YearBirth 19th Century
BornIn Mongolia
ReligiousAffiliation Geluk
ClassicalProfAff ri bo dge rgyas dgon (Mongolia)
BDRC https://www.tbrc.org/#!rid=P1KG10437
IsInGyatsa No
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