Riga Tsegyal Shakya

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Shakya, Riga

PersonType Category:Other Researchers
FirstName / namefirst Riga
LastName / namelast Shakya
MainNamePhon Riga Tsegyal Shakya
SortName Shakya, Riga
bio I am a PhD candidate in Sino-Tibetan history at the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures at Columbia University, where I am finishing a dissertation on the Tibetan Buddhist accounts of Qing rule in Inner Asia in the 18th century. My work draws from studies early modern empire, multi-ethnic governance and South Asian literary traditions to argue Tibetan elites sought to reconcile Qing imperial expansion within a Buddhist cosmological framework. Other projects include a longue durée environmental history of the Ganden Podrang’s (1642-1959) management of natural disaster and a study of Tibetan language standardization and print culture at PRC minority publishing houses between 1953 and 1966. (Source: Author, Feb. 7, 2022)
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