David R. Cummiskey

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Revision as of 18:57, 18 May 2021 by AlexC (talk | contribs)

Cummiskey, D.

PersonType Category:Authors of English Works
FirstName / namefirst David
LastName / namelast Cummiskey
namemiddle R.
MainNamePhon David R. Cummiskey
SortName Cummiskey, David
bio David Cummiskey teaches courses on biomedical ethics, philosophy of law, and seminars on moral theory, contemporary liberalism, and Buddhist philosophy. His research and publications focus on Kantian and consequentialist approaches to moral philosophy, political philosophy, and intercultural ethics and bioethics. His most recent articles discuss the relationship between Buddhist and Kantian ethics, and Buddhist environmental ethics and political philosophy. He is currently working on a series of articles that develop the relationships among Buddhist perfectionism, emergent conceptions of agency, compatibilist conceptions of free will, Kantian accounts of self-constitution, and Humean constructivism. (Source Accessed May 18, 2021)
associatedwebsite Academia Page
IsInGyatsa No
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