Tulsi Ram Sharma

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Sharma, T.

PersonType Category:Authors of English Works
FirstName / namefirst Tulsi Ram
LastName / namelast Sharma
MainNamePhon Tulsi Ram Sharma
SortName Sharma, Tulsi
bio Born 1937, Dr. T. R. Sharma retired as a Reader in Sanskrit from SGTB Khalsa College, University of Delhi, after teaching for 41 years. He was actively associated with PG teaching as well as research activities of the Department of Sanskrit and Buddhist Studies. More than a dozen scholars have obtained [their] Ph.D. under his supervision. He has visited a number of countries to present research papers in international conferences. He was a visiting professor in National Taiwan University, Taipei, in 1993-94, teaching Indian culture and civilization, Upanishads and Buddhist philosophy. He has ten books concerning Buddhism and Indology in general to his credit, two of which have been awarded by the Uttar Pradesh Hindi Sansthan and Uttar Pradesh Sanskrit Sansthan. He has also been honoured by the Sanskrit Academy, Delhi, for his contribution to Sanskrit studies. (Source Accessed Apr 6, 2021)
YearBirth 1937
affiliation University of Delhi
IsInGyatsa No
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