Alan Murillo

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Murillo, A.

PersonType Category:Translators
FirstName / namefirst Alan
LastName / namelast Murillo
MainNamePhon Alan Murillo
SortName Murillo, Alan
bio Born in Mexico City in 1961, Alan Murillo studied as a professional translator at the Higher Institute of Interpreters and Translators in Mexico City and has dedicated himself for 25 years to the translation of legal, financial and technical documents.

As part of the Casa Tíbet translation team, he has translated several books on Buddhism into Spanish: Buddhism with an Attitude by Alan Wallace; Iridescent Splendor: The Memoirs of Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche; and Geshe Lhundup Söpa's Autobiography , as well as numerous texts and teachings for Casa Tíbet México.

A student of Casa Tíbet since 1998, he is part of the group of instructors under the guidance and instruction of his main teacher, Marco Antonio Karam, founder and director of Casa Tíbet México.

As a student of said institution, he has received teachings on the theory and practice of Buddhist teachings, fundamentally the study and analysis of consciousness and the cultivation of human potential based on transcendental values, in order to develop a more meaningful life for the benefit of other beings and oneself.

During this time he has attended short retreats, seminars and teachings of great masters of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, such as Geshe Sopa, Geshe Thabke, Khenpo Pema Wangdak, Alan Wallace, Matthieu Ricard, Dr. Jeffrey Hopkins, Khandro Rinpoché, Marcia Dechen Wangmo, among others.

From 2008 to 2012 he was part of the editorial project at the Autonomous University of Mexico City (UACM) as a translator in the Department of Educational Innovation and Critical Thinking, translating four books on these topics.

He currently coordinates the Editorial Committee of Casa Tíbet México and is the editorial director of the quarterly human development magazine 84 Thousand - Words that wake up. (Adapted from Source Apr 6, 2021)

IsInGyatsa No
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