Andrei-Valentin Bacrău

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Bacrǎu, A.

PersonType Category:Authors of English Works
FirstName / namefirst Andrei-Valentin
LastName / namelast Bacrău
MainNamePhon Andrei-Valentin Bacrău
SortName Bacrău, Andrei-Valentin
bio Andrei-Valentin Bacrău's work is focused on extrapolating a theory of ethics from Wittgenstein's views on language. Previously, he was at Nālandā University in Bihar, India, working on comparative ethics. As an undergraduate, he studied at the George Washington University in DC, where he double-majored in International Affairs (Security Policy), and Philosophy (Public Affairs). (Adapted from Source Feb 11, 2021)
IsInGyatsa No
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