Michael Lees

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Revision as of 18:38, 20 January 2021 by AlexC (talk | contribs)

Lees, M.

MainNamePhon Michael Lees
bio Michael Lees received his PhD in Global and Comparative Education, MA in Contemplative Religions with a focus on Buddhist Studies, and a BA in Environmental/Ecological Studies and Indigenous Wisdom Traditions. His research interests include examining the intersections of eastern and western spiritual, contemplative, and ecoliterate pedagogical approaches to learning for emerging adults in the higher education classroom. He currently teaches courses including but not limited to: Buddhism, Taoism, Asian Religions, Religion and Culture: An Ecological Perspective, Native American Religions, Death, Dying, and the Afterlife, Creative Thinking, Introduction to Eastern Philosophy, Western Philosophy, and Religions of the World. (Adapted from Source Jan 20, 2021)
associatedwebsite https://montclair.academia.edu/MikeLees
IsInGyatsa No
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