Eun-su Cho

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Cho, E.

Cho Eun-su Academia.jpg
PersonType Category:Authors of English Works
FirstName / namefirst Eun-su
LastName / namelast Cho
MainNamePhon Eun-su Cho
MainNameChi 趙恩秀
bio Eun-su Cho (趙恩秀) is a professor of Buddhist Philosophy at Seoul National University in Korea. She received her Ph.D. in Buddhist Studies from the University of California and was an assistant professor in the Department of Asian Languages and Cultures at the University of Michigan before she joined SNU in 2004. Her research interests include Indian Abhidharma Buddhism, Korean Buddhist thought, and women in Buddhism. She has written articles and book chapters, including "Wŏnch’ŭk’s Place in the East Asian Buddhist Tradition," "From Buddha’s Speech to Buddha’s Essence: Philosophical Discussions of Buddha-vacana in India and China," "Re-thinking Late 19thCentury Chosŏn Buddhist Society," and "The Uses and Abuses of Wŏnhyo and the ‘T’ong Pulgyo’ Narrative." Recently her article titled “Repentance as a Bodhisattva Practice—Wŏnhyo on Guilt and Moral Responsibility” was published in Philosophy East & West (2013). She co-translated the Jikji simgyeong into English, and edited a volume Korean Buddhist Nuns and Laywomen – Hidden Histories and Enduring Vitality (SUNY press, 2011). She was the founding director of the International Center for Korean Studies at SNU in 2007-2008, had served as the chair of the Editorial Subcommittee of the MOWCAP (Asia/Pacific Regional Committee for the Memory of the World Program) of UNESCO in 2007-2009, and was the elected president of the Korean Society for Buddhist Studies (Bulgyohak yŏn’guhoe) from 2012-2014. (Source Accessed Nov 27, 2019)
affiliation Seoul National University, Korea
IsInGyatsa No
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