Chayulpa Zhonnu Ö

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Revision as of 17:29, 23 October 2019 by AlexC (talk | contribs)

Bya yul ba gzhon nu 'od

PersonType Category:Classical Tibetan Authors
MainNamePhon Chayulpa Zhonnu Ö
MainNameTib བྱ་ཡུལ་བ་གཞོན་ནུ་འོད
MainNameWylie bya yul ba gzhon nu 'od
YearBirth 1075
YearDeath 1138
BornIn stod lung gol go lung
ReligiousAffiliation Dwags pa Bka' brgyud
PersonalAffiliation g.yung drung bstan 'bar (Father); lcam bu (Mother)
StudentOf rin chen snying po  ·  tshul khrims 'bar  ·  ye shes rgyal mtshan
TeacherOf bsod nams rin chen  ·  gzhon nu grags pa  ·  rdo rje mi bskyod  ·  bdud rtsi char chen  ·  rin chen nam mkha' rdo rje
IsInGyatsa No
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