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PersonType Category:Classical Indian Authors
MainNameTib རྟ་དབྱངས་
MainNameWylie rta dbyangs
MainNameDev अश्वघोष
MainNameSkt Aśvaghoṣa
YearBirth 80
YearDeath 150
BornIn Ayodhyā, India
IsInGyatsa No
BnwShortPersonBio Aśvaghoṣa was a Sarvāstivāda Buddhist philosopher, dramatist, poet and orator from India. He was born in Saketa in northern India. He is believed to have been the first Sanskrit dramatist, and is considered the greatest Indian poet prior to Kālidāsa. He was the most famous in a group of Buddhist court writers, whose epics rivaled the contemporary Ramayana. Whereas much of Buddhist literature prior to the time of Aśvaghoṣa had been composed in Pāli and Prakrit, Aśvaghoṣa wrote in Classical Sanskrit. . . .
      He was previously believed to have been the author of the influential Buddhist text Awakening of Mahayana Faith, but modern scholars agree that the text was composed in China. (Source Accessed July 22, 2020)
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