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PersonType Category:Translators
MainNamePhon Buddhaprabha
YearBirth ca. 8th–9th century
IsInGyatsa No
BnwShortPersonBio Buddhaprabha was an Indian translator of Sanskrit texts into Tibetan, about whom little is known. Given the fact that he was a contemporary of Jinamitra, Dānaśīla, and Yeshe De, he probably lived between the late eighth and early ninth centuries. The Buddhist Digital Resource Center (TBRC.org) does not attribute a single text to him as translator (see https://www.tbrc.org/#!rid=P8268), but he is listed as the co-translator of the Questions of Sāgaramati Sūtra (Skt. Sāgaramatiparipṛcchāsūtra, Tib. 'Phags pa blo gros rgya mtshos zhus pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo) along with the above figures.
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