Jingying Huiyuan

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PersonType Category:Classical Chinese Authors
Category:Ordained (Monks and Nuns)
MainNamePhon Jingying Huiyuan
MainNameChi 淨影慧遠
YearBirth 523
YearDeath 592
BornIn Dunhuang
IsInGyatsa No
BnwShortPersonBio Jingying Huiyuan. (J. Jōyō Eon; K. Chǒngyǒng Hyewǒn 淨影慧遠) (523-592). Chinese monk and putative Di lun exegete during the Sui dynasty. Huiyuan was a native of Dunhuang. At an early age, he entered the monastery of Guxiangusi in Zezhou (present-day Shanxi province) where he was ordained by the monk Sengsi (d.u.). Huiyuan later studied various scriptures under the vinaya master Lizhan (d.u.) in Ye, the capital of the Eastern Wei dynasty. In his nineteenth year, Huiyuan received the full monastic precepts from Fashang

(495-580), ecclesiastical head of the saṃgha at the time, and became his disciple. Huiyuan also began his training in the D h a r m a g u p t a k a “Four-Part Vinaya” ( S ifhn l ü ) under the vinaya master Dayin (d.u.). After he completed his studies, Huiyuan moved back to Zezhou and began his residence at the monastery Qinghuasi. In 577, Emperor Wu (r. 560-578) of Northern Zhou began a systematic persecution of Buddhism, and in response, Huiyuan is said to have engaged the emperor in debate; a transcript of the debate, in which Huiyuan defends Buddhism against criticisms of its foreign origins and its neglect of filial piety, is still extant. As the persecution continued, Huiyuan retreated to Mt. Xi in Jijun (present-day Henan province). Shortly after the rise of the Sui dynasty, Huiyuan was summoned by Emperor Wen (r. 581-604) to serve as overseer of the samgha (shamendu) in Luozhou (present-day Henan). He subsequently spent his time undoing the damage of the earlier persecution. Huiyuan was later asked by Emperor Wen to reside at the monastery of Daxingshansi in the capital. The emperor also built Huiyuan a new monastery named Jingyingsi, which is often used as his toponym to distinguish him from L u s h a n H u iy u a n . Jingying Huiyuan was a prolific writer who composed numerous commentaries on such texts as the A v a t a m sa k a sü t r a , M a h ä p a r in ir v ä n a sü t r a , V im a l a k īr t in ir d f ś a , S u k h ã v a t īv y ū h a sü t r a , S rIm ä l ä d e v Isim h a n ä d a sü t r a , S h id i jin g

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