Katre, S.M.

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PersonType Category:Professors
FirstName / namefirst Sumitra
LastName / namelast Katre
namemiddle M.
bio Sumitra M. Katre (1906-1998) a lexicographer, Indo-Aryan and Paninian Linguist, was born on 11th April at Honnavar, Karnataka, and died on 21st October in San Jose, California, USA. Prof. Katre made the initiation of the gigantic Sanskrit Dictionary Project, Encyclopedia of Sanskrit on Historical Principles, with 11 million slips preserved in the scriptorium. His work The Formation of Knokani is his tribute to his mother tongue Konkani. S.M. Katre's 1966 work, The Formation of Konkani, which utilized the instruments of modern historical and comparative linguistics across six typical Konkani dialects, showed the formation of Konkani to be distinct from that of Marathi. He was president of the 7th Session of All India Konkani Parishad held on 27th & 28 April, 1957 at Mumbai. Source: (Motilal Banarsidass)
YearBirth 1906/04/11
YearDeath 1998/10/21
IsInGyatsa No
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