Third Peling Sungtrul Tsultrim Dorje

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Revision as of 10:49, 20 April 2018 by Mort (talk | contribs)

Peling Sungtrul, 3rd

PersonType Category:Classical Tibetan Authors
MainNamePhon Third Peling Sungtrul Tsultrim Dorje
MainNameTib ཚུལ་ཁྲིམས་རྡོ་རྗེ་
MainNameWylie tshul khrims rdo rje
AltNamesTib པད་གླིང་གསུང་སྤྲུལ་གསུམ་པ་
AltNamesWylie pad gling gsung sprul gsum pa
YearBirth 1598
YearDeath 1669
TibDateGender Male
TibDateElement Earth
TibDateAnimal Dog
TibDateRabjung 10
ReligiousAffiliation Nyingma
StudentOf Lhatsun Namkha Jikme  ·  Tsele Natsok Rangdrol  ·  Gongra Lochen Zhenpen Dorje  ·  Sixth Shamarpa Chökyi Wangchuk  ·  Fifth Goshir Gyaltsab Drakpa Chokyang
TeacherOf Trinle Lhundrup  ·  Minling Terchen Gyurme Dorje  ·  Chos kyi grags pa  ·  Rdzogs chen pad+ma rig 'dzin
Treasury of Lives
IsInGyatsa No
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