Khyungpo Repa Gyurme Osel
Khyung po ras pa 'gyur med 'od gsal
PersonType | Category:Classical Tibetan Authors |
MainNamePhon | Khyungpo Repa Gyurme Osel |
MainNameTib | ཁྱུང་པོ་རས་པ་འགྱུར་མེད་འོད་གསལ་ |
MainNameWylie | khyung po ras pa 'gyur med 'od gsal |
YearBirth | 1715 |
TibDateGender | Female |
TibDateElement | Wood |
TibDateAnimal | Sheep |
TibDateRabjung | 12 |
ReligiousAffiliation | Nyingma |
StudentOf | Mingyur Paldrön |
BDRC |!rid=P688 |
IsInGyatsa | No |
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