
From Tsadra Commons
Revision as of 19:02, 4 June 2015 by Jeremi (talk | contribs) (Text replace - "publicationtype" to "classification")

PersonType Category:Classical Indian Authors
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Tibetan names

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Sanskrit Names

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Other Biographical Information

Main Seat: rnam rgyal gser khang

Main Students

rin chen bzang po
dbang phyug rgyal mtshan
rgyal ba'i 'byung gnas
do ba sgom chen
legs pa'i shes rab
tshul khrims rgyal ba
byang chub 'od
lhas btsas
'gar dge ba
phyag khri mchog
byang chub rin chen
shes rab rdo rje
phyag dar ston pa
brtson 'grus g.yung drung
blo gros 'byung gnas
chos dbang
brtson 'grus seng+ge

Main Teachers

d+harma pA la
chos kyi grags pa
d+harma raksi ta
rin chen sde


Writings about Atiśa

