Carmen Meinert

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Meinert, C.

Meinert Carmen.jpg
PersonType Category:Authors of English Works
FirstName / namefirst Carmen
LastName / namelast Meinert
MainNamePhon Carmen Meinert
SortName Meinert, Carmen
bio Carmen Meinert holds the chair for Central Asian Religions at the Center for Religious Studies (CERES) at Ruhr University Bochum, Germany. One of her research interests focuses on the transmission of Buddhism in Central Asia, Tibet and China with particular emphasis on early Tantric and Esoteric Buddhist Traditions. Her publications include ed., Buddha in the Yurt—Buddhist Art from Mongolia. Munich: Hirmer, 2 vols., 2011; “Assimilation and Transformation of Esoteric Buddhism in Tibet and China. Case Study of the Adaptation Processes of Violence in a Ritual Context.” In Tibet after Empire. Culture, Society and Religion between 850–1000. Proceedings of the Seminar Held in Lumbini, Nepal, March 2010, edited by Christoph Cüppers, Robert Mayer and Michael Walter, 295–312. Lumbini: Lumbini International Research Institute, 2013. (Source Accessed Aug 1, 2023)
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Carmen Meinert


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