Yoke Meei Choong

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Choong, Y.

Choong Yoke Meei-LinkedIn.jpg
PersonType Category:Authors of English Works
FirstName / namefirst Yoke Meei
LastName / namelast Choong
MainNamePhon Yoke Meei Choong
MainNameTib 宗玉媺
SortName Choong, Yoke
bio Yoke Meei Choong 宗玉媺 currently teaches as an Associate Professor in the Department of Buddhist Studies at Fo Guang University, Taiwan. Her research combines Buddhist philological study with the historical study of Buddhist thought. Her interest lies mainly in the derivation, adaptation and development of Mahāyāna concepts or thought from the ideas of mainstream Buddhism. Her chief publications include "Nirvāṇa and Tathatā in Yogācāra Texts: The Bodhisattva’s Adaptation of the Śrāvaka-Path", "To Realize or Not to Realize the Supreme Truth: A Change of the Conception of Realization”, “On the Interpretation of na śūnyatayā śūnya", and a book, Zum Problem der Leerheit (śūnyatā) in der Prajñāpāramitā. (Source: A Distant Mirror, about the authors, 529)
affiliation Fo Guang University, Taiwan
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