Erberto Lo Bue

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Lo Bue, E.

Lo Bue Erberto-Oxford.jpg
PersonType Category:Authors of English Works
Category:Authors of Italian Works
FirstName / namefirst Erberto
LastName / namelast Lo Bue
MainNamePhon Erberto Lo Bue
SortName Lo Bue, Erberto
bio Erberto Lo Bue obtained a Ph.D in Tibetan Studies at the School of Oriental and African

Studies (University of London) and became Associate Professor at Bologna University, where he taught the history of Indian and Central Asian art, and classical Tibetan. From 1972 he carried out research in Nepal, India and Tibet, his fieldwork in Ladakh starting in 1978 and continuing in 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2005. Most of his over 190 publications are related to Tibetan, Newar and Indian religious art. (Art and Architecture in Ladakh, list of contributors, vii)

YearBirth 1946
YearDeath 2022
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