Pavel L. Grokhovskiy

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Grokhovsky, P.

Grokhovsky Pavel.jpg
MainNamePhon Pavel L. Grokhovskiy
SortName Grokhovskiy, Pavel
bio Pavel L. Grokhovsky was the head of the Department of Mongolian Studies and Tibetology of the Oriental Faculty of St. Petersburg State University.

In 1994, he graduated with honors from the Oriental Faculty of St. Petersburg State University with a degree in Orientalist-Philologist (Mongol-Tibetan Philology). In 1994–1998, P.L. Grokhovsky was a full-time postgraduate student of the Oriental Faculty, and in 2000 he successfully defended his thesis "Samadhiraja Sutra" as a monument of Buddhist canonical literature" for the degree of candidate of philological sciences.

From 1998 to 2001 P.L. Grokhovsky worked at the Department of Mongolian Philology as an assistant, from 2001 until his untimely death - as an assistant professor. In 2000–2004 P.L. Grokhovsky was the Deputy Dean of the Oriental Faculty for Academic Affairs. In 2003-2008 he was the head of the Department of Mongolian Philology, and in 2008-2009 he was the head of the Department of Mongolian Studies and Tibetology. Since 2012, P.L. Grokhovsky was the chairman of the Educational and Methodological Commission of the Oriental Faculty. By the decision of the Academic Council of St. Petersburg State University, since November 2016, P.L. Grokhovsky was appointed head of the Department of Mongolian Studies and Tibetology at St. Petersburg State University. (Source Accessed Apr 12, 2022)

YearDeath 2018
affiliation Saint-Petersburg State University
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