Drupa Rinpoche Lobsang Yeshi

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Drupa Rinpoche, 7th

Drupa Rinpoche Lobsang Yeshi Khacholing Center.jpg
PersonType Category:Tibetan Buddhist Teachers
MainNamePhon Drupa Rinpoche Lobsang Yeshi
SortName Yeshi, Lobsang
bio Drupa Rinpoche Lobsang Yeshi who is 7th in the lineage of Drupa Rinpoches, is the head of Drupa Monastery in Kham, Eastern Tibet. The present Drupa Rinpoche was born in India and recognized by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama in the year of 1988 as the reincarnation of 6th Drupa Rinpoche Shedrup Tenpai Gyaltsen.

Drupa Rinpoche joined Drepung Loselling Monastery in 1988 and completed his monastic studies by receiving his Geshe degree in 2005. Rinpoche is tri-lingual (Tibetan, English and Hindi) which enabled him to successfully pursue a Bachelor in Psychology (Hons) degree from HELP University, Malaysia and thereafter, a Master of Science in Positive Psychology (MSPP) from Life University, GA, USA. Rinpoche presented his research paper titled “Are materialism and spirituality two sides of the happiness coin? A mixed-methods study” at the 31st International Congress of Psychology (ICP), Yokohama, Japan. Rinpoche has been inducted as a member of Psy Chi, the International Honor Society in Psychology. (Source Accessed Oct 28, 2021)

BornIn India
associatedwebsite Khacholing Center
affiliation Khacholing Center
  • Geshe degree, Drepung Loselling Monastery, 2005
  • MS in Positive Psychology (MSPP), Life University, GA, USA
  • BA in Psychology (Hons), HELP University, Malaysia


IsInGyatsa No
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