Katia Buffetrille

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Buffetrille, K.

Buffetrille Katia Babelio.jpg
PersonType Category:Authors of English Works
Category:Authors of French Works
FirstName / namefirst Katia
LastName / namelast Buffetrille
MainNamePhon Katia Buffetrille
SortName Buffetrille, Katia
bio Katia Buffetrille is a French ethnologist and tibetologist. She works at the École pratique des hautes études (EPHE 5th section). Her doctoral thesis is entitled Montagnes sacrées, lacs et grottes : lieux de pèlerinage dans le monde tibétain. Traditions écrites. Réalités vivantes (thesis national number: 1996PA100065). She has done fieldwork in Tibet and Nepal, researching pilgrimage, non-Buddhist beliefs, and sacred geography.

She is in charge of a seminar on rituals at the CRCAO (Centre de recherches sur les civilisations de l'Asie orientale; UMR 8155) and is editor of the journal Études mongoles, sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines (EMSCAT). (Source Accessed Sep 23, 2021)

associatedwebsite Academia Page
affiliation École pratique des Hautes Études
IsInGyatsa No
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