Vishnu Sridharan

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Revision as of 17:29, 17 May 2021 by AlexC (talk | contribs)

Sridharan, V.

Sridharan Vishnu Twitter.jpg
PersonType Category:Authors of English Works
Category:Other Researchers
FirstName / namefirst Vishnu
LastName / namelast Sridharan
MainNamePhon Vishnu Sridharan
SortName Sridharan, Vishnu
bio Vishnu Sridharan is a graduate student at the University of Southern California in the School of Philosophy. His primary dissertation advisor is John Hawthorne. He also works with Jake Nebel, Gary Watson, Jon Quong, and Greg Keating.

His dissertation addresses two families of questions: one at the intersection of epistemology and ethics and one at the intersection of epistemology and the law. His research at the intersection of epistemology and ethics focuses on the relationship between risk and compensation. His research at the intersection of epistemology and the law focuses on the proper functioning of juries. (Adapted from Source May 17, 2021)

associatedwebsite Personal Website // Graduate Student Profile USC
  • JD Stanford Law School
  • BA Columbia University
IsInGyatsa No
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