Chokyi Ozer

From Tsadra Commons
Revision as of 13:33, 12 March 2021 by Marcus (talk | contribs)

MainNamePhon Chokyi Ozer
MainNameTib ཆོས་ཀྱི་འོད་ཟེར་
MainNameWylie chos kyi 'od zer
SortName chos kyi 'od zer
archivistnotes Related to (nye gnas) Nyang ral nyi ma'i 'od zer (1124-1192), but other information unknown. See colophon of this text: Chos kyi 'od zer, Myang ston bsod nams seng ge, and Mi 'gyur rdo rje. sprul sku mnga' bdag chen po'i skyes rabs rnam thar dri ma med pa'i bka' rgya can la ldeb. In Bka' brgyad bde gshegs dus pa'i chos skor, 1: 1-163. Gangtok: Lama Sonam Tobgay Kazi, 1978. BDRC W1KG12075 (researched on March 12, 2021 Marcus (talk) 17:30, 12 March 2021 (UTC)).
IsInGyatsa No
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