Boris Vladimirtsov

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Revision as of 20:06, 11 March 2021 by AlexC (talk | contribs)

Vladimirtsov, B.

Vladimirtsov Boris.jpg
PersonType Category:Editors
FirstName / namefirst Boris
LastName / namelast Vladimirtsov
namemiddle Yakovlevich
MainNamePhon Boris Vladimirtsov
SortName Vladimirtsov, Boris
bio Russian linguist. In 1909 he graduated from the Faculty of Oriental Languages ​​of St. Petersburg University, and trained in France at the A. Meye. From 1918 he taught at Petrograd (Leningrad) University, and became a professor in 1921 and academician in 1929. He participated in expeditions to Mongolia. He was one of the first who used methods of contemporary linguistics, both in the field of comparative historical research, as well as in the description of Modern Languages​​. His main linguistic work "Comparative Grammar" of the Mongolian written language and the Khalkha dialect (1929, 2nd ed. 1989) including a genetic classification of the Mongolian languages ​​and dialects. A sketch of their history and description of the phonetics and writing. He was the author of works on the history of the Mongolian Peoples: Genghis Khan (1922) The social system of the Mongols, and Mongolian nomadic feudalism (1934). (Source Accessed Mar 11, 2021)
IsInGyatsa No
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