Zhihua Yao

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Yao, Z.

Yao Zhinhua ChinaDaily.png
PersonType Category:Authors of English Works
MainNamePhon Zhihua Yao
bio Zhihua Yao 姚治華 is Associate Professor of Philosophy at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research interests cover Buddhist philosophy, Indian philosophy, and philosophy of religion. His publications include The Buddhist Theory of Self-Cognition (Routledge, 2005) and various articles in the Journal of Indian Philosophy; Philosophy East and West; the Journal of the Indian Council of Philosophical Research; the Journal of Chinese Philosophy; the Journal of Buddhist Studies; and Comparative Philosophy. (Source Accessed June 29, 2020)
affiliation CUHK - The Chinese University of Hong Kong - Department of Philosophy
phduniversity Boston
education Ph.D, Boston University, 2003. Dissertation: "Knowing that One Knows: The Buddhist Doctrine of Self-Cognition."

Master of Theological Studies, Weston Jesuit School of Theology; B.Phil, M.Phil, Beijing University

publications Books
  • Yi bu zong lun lun [Doctrines of Early Buddhist Schools]. Taiwan: Foguang Press, 1996. 213 pages.
  • Hu-sai-er [Husserl]. In Xian dai shi jie shi da si xiang jia [Ten Great Thinkers of Modern World). Nanjing: Jiangsu Renmin Press, 1995. 127 pages.
  • Fo jiao lun lixue [Buddhist Ethics] by H. Saddhatissa, translated from English to Chinese. Taiwan: Liming Wenhua Press, 1993. 276 pages.

Books Edited

  • Fo guang da ci dian [Foguang Dictionary of Buddhism: Simplified Chinese Version]. Co-editor. Beijing: Shumu Wenxian Press, 1994.
  • Fo xueyan jiu [Buddhist Studies] Vol. 1. Co-editor. Beijing: Chinese Institute of Buddhist Culture, 1993.


  • "Tibetan Learning in Contemporary Chinese Yogācāra School." In Buddhism between China and Tibet, edited by M. Kapstein, forthcoming.
  • "A Huayan Reception of Self-Cognition." In Studies in Yogācāra Buddhism: A Seminar of the American Academy of Religion at www.uncwil.edu/p&r/yogacara/eastasia,


  • "Tai yi sheng shui he tai yi jiu gong zhan" [Great One, Water and the Divination of Taiyi]. In www.bamboosilk.org, 2000.
  • "Xiong wei xian sheng duang yi" [In Memory of Xiong Wei]. In Ziyou de zhen di: Xiong wei wen ji [Truth of Freedom: Collected Works of Xiong Wei] (Beijing:

Zhongyang Bianyi Press, 1997), pp. 404-407.

  • "In the Power of the Spirit." Tripod Vol. XVI, No. 91 (1996): 28-38.
  • "Bu-te-jia-luo he a-te-man de yi ming wen ti" [On the Translations of pudgala and

ātman]. Satyābhisamaya Quarterly No. 82 (1995): 47-64.

  • "Yong yu Ereignis" [Zhuangzi's Yang and Heidegger's Ereignis]. In the Xian xiang xue yu hai-de-ge [Phenomenology and Heidegger], edited by Xiong Wei (Taiwan:

Yuanliu Publications, 1994), pp. 411-443.

  • "Ru ru zhi zhen yu sheng sheng zhi yi: lun zhi xu de san jiao he yi si xiang" [The

Thusness of Tathāgatha and the Changeness of Yi: On the Syncretism of Zhixu]. Dong nan wen hua [Southeastern Culture] No. 2 (1994): 196-201. Reprinted in Ren dafuyin bao kan zi liao [Renda Reprints of Periodical Articles] No. 10 (1994): 106-111.

  • "Yi tu yu xiu xing" [Diagrams of the Yijing and Self-cultivation]. In Papers of the J 0th International Conference of Yijing Studies (Taiwan: Yijing yan jiu hui, 1993), pp. 182-196.
  • "Fo jiao zhe xue zhong de bu ke shuo wen ti" [Ineffabīlity in Buddhist Philosophy]. Fo xueyan jiu [Buddhist Studies] No. 1 (1993): 102-110.
  • "Wo de qu tan" [On self]. Fo jiao wen hua [Buddhist Culture] No. 4 (1992): 9-11.
  • "Ni-cai dui lun hui de ling wu" [Nietzsche's Doctrine of Eternal Resurrection]. Dharmaghośa No. 12 (1991): 40-45.
  • "Tan lun hui shuo yu wu wo shuo" [Comments on the Doctrines of Anātman and Samsārä]. Fo jiao wen hua [Buddhist Culture] No. 3 (1991): 56-62.
  • "Kan-de xian yan yan yi zhong de wo si yu shi jian" [Cogito and Time in Kant's

Transcendental Deduction]. Journal of Graduate Studies of Beijing University No. 3-4 (1991): 37-44. Reprinted in Ren dafuyin bao kan zi liao [Renda Reprints of Periodical Articles] No.3 (l992):25-32.

Book Reviews

  • "How is a Confucian Communitarism Possible?" Review Essay on the Asian Values and Human Rights: A Confucian Communitarian Perspective (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1998) by Wm. Theodore deBary. In Public Intellectual, forthcoming.
  • Logische Untersuchungen Bd. 1 & 2 (Tubingen: Max Niemyer Verlag, 1980) by E. Husserl. In 20 shi ji xifangzhe xue ming zhu dao du [Introduction to the Major Works of Western Philosophy in 20th Century] (Hunan: Hunan Press, 1992), pp. 83-89.
  • Ideenzu einer reinen Phänomenologie undphänomenologischen Philosophie Bd. I, 2 & 3 (Haag: Martinus Nijhoff, 1976) by E. Husserl. In ibid, pp. 97-101.
  • Cartesianische Meditationen (Haag: Martinus Nijhoff, 1976) by E. Husserl. In ibid., pp. 101-108.
  • Der Grundproblem der Phänomenologie (Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klosermann, 1975) by M. Heidegger. In ibid., pp. 134-140.
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Full Name

Zhihua Yao


CUHK - The Chinese University of Hong Kong - Department of Philosophy

Position: Assistant Professor

Qualifications: B.Phil, M.Phil (Peking); Master of Theological Studies (Weston); Ph.D (Boston)

Contact Details: Room: 432 Tel. no.: 26097431 Email: zyao@cuhk.edu.hk

Other Information

Yao, Zhihua. The Buddhist theory of self-cognition. London ; New York : Routledge, 2005. ISBN041534431X ISBN9780415344319

Curriculum Vitae (from 2003)

Areas of Specialization Buddhism Philosophy of Religion Education Boston University Ph.D. 2003 Dissertation: "Knowing that One Knows: The Buddhist Doctrine of Self-Cognition." Directors: M. D. Eckel, J. Berthrong, R. Gimello Weston Jesuit School of Theology Master of Theological Studies 1996 Thesis: "A Chinese Gospel Harmony." Directors: D. Harrington SJ, S. Wan Chinese Academy of Social Science Language Certificate in Sanskrit 1993 Beijing University Master of Philosophy 1992 Thesis: "Yong he Ereignis" [Yang and Ereignis]. Director: Xiong Wei Beij i ng University Bachelor ofPhilosophy 1989

Academic Appointments

American Association of Buddhist Education Academic Director 2001 -2002 Harvard University Harvard-Yenching Institute Research Assistant 1999-2000 Harvard University Center for the Study of World Religions Research Assistant 1999 Boston University Department of Religion Teaching Assistant 1997-1998 University of San Francisco Ricci Institute Visiting Scholar 1995 The Libraries of EDS & WJST Technical Service 1994-1995 Chinese Institute of Buddhist Culture (Beijing) Assistant Researcher 1992-1993

Honors and Fellowships

Boston University Missio Institute (Germany) Boston University Rocky Foundation University of San Francisco Ricci Institute Koch Foundation Luce Foundation Beijing University Beijing University

Pacific Rim Grant 2000 Fellowship 1997-2002 Teaching Fellowship 1997-1998 Buddhist Studies Scholarship 1997 Research Fellowship 1995 Tuition Scholarship 1994-1996 Fellowship 1994-1996 Guanghua Scholarship 1992 May-Fourth Prize 1988


Books Yi bu zong lun lun [Doctrines of Early Buddhist Schools]. Taiwan: Foguang Press, 1996. 213 pages. Hu-sai-er [Husserl]. In Xian dai shi jie shi da si xiang jia [Ten Great Thinkers of Modern World). Nanjing: Jiangsu Renmin Press, 1995. 127 pages. Fo jiao lun lixue [Buddhist Ethics] by H. Saddhatissa, translated from English to Chinese. Taiwan: Liming Wenhua Press, 1993. 276 pages.

Books Edited Fo guang da ci dian [Foguang Dictionary of Buddhism: Simplified Chinese Version]. Co-editor. Beijing: Shumu Wenxian Press, 1994. Fo xueyan jiu [Buddhist Studies] Vol. 1. Co-editor. Beijing: Chinese Institute of Buddhist Culture, 1993.

Articles "Tibetan Learning in Contemporary Chinese Yogācāra School." In Buddhism between China and Tibet, edited by M. Kapstein, forthcoming. "A Huayan Reception of Self-Cognition." In Studies in Yogācāra Buddhism: A Seminar of the American Academy of Religion at www.uncwil.edu/p&r/yogacara/eastasia, 2001. "Tai yi sheng shui he tai yi jiu gong zhan" [Great One, Water and the Divination of Taiyi]. In www.bamboosilk.org, 2000. "Xiong wei xian sheng duang yi" [In Memory of Xiong Wei]. In Ziyou de zhen di: Xiong wei wen ji [Truth of Freedom: Collected Works of Xiong Wei] (Beijing: Zhongyang Bianyi Press, 1997), pp. 404-407. "In the Power of the Spirit." Tripod Vol. XVI, No. 91 (1996): 28-38. "Bu-te-jia-luo he a-te-man de yi ming wen ti" [On the Translations of pudgala and ātman]. Satyābhisamaya Quarterly No. 82 (1995): 47-64. "Yong yu Ereignis" [Zhuangzi's Yang and Heidegger's Ereignis]. In the Xian xiang xue yu hai-de-ge [Phenomenology and Heidegger], edited by Xiong Wei (Taiwan: Yuanliu Publications, 1994), pp. 411-443. "Ru ru zhi zhen yu sheng sheng zhi yi: lun zhi xu de san jiao he yi si xiang" [The Thusness of Tathāgatha and the Changeness of Yi: On the Syncretism of Zhixu]. Dong nan wen hua [Southeastern Culture] No. 2 (1994): 196-201. Reprinted in Ren dafuyin bao kan zi liao [Renda Reprints of Periodical Articles] No. 10 (1994): 106-111. "Yi tu yu xiu xing" [Diagrams of the Yijing and Self-cultivation]. In Papers of the J 0th International Conference of Yijing Studies (Taiwan: Yijing yan jiu hui, 1993), pp. 182-196. "Fo jiao zhe xue zhong de bu ke shuo wen ti" [Ineffabīlity in Buddhist Philosophy]. Fo xueyan jiu [Buddhist Studies] No. 1 (1993): 102-110. "Wo de qu tan" [On self]. Fo jiao wen hua [Buddhist Culture] No. 4 (1992): 9-11. "Ni-cai dui lun hui de ling wu" [Nietzsche's Doctrine of Eternal Resurrection]. Dharmaghośa No. 12 (1991): 40-45. "Tan lun hui shuo yu wu wo shuo" [Comments on the Doctrines of Anātman and Samsārä]. Fo jiao wen hua [Buddhist Culture] No. 3 (1991): 56-62. "Kan-de xian yan yan yi zhong de wo si yu shi jian" [Cogito and Time in Kant's Transcendental Deduction]. Journal of Graduate Studies of Beijing University No. 3-4 (1991): 37-44. Reprinted in Ren dafuyin bao kan zi liao [Renda Reprints of Periodical Articles] No.3 (l992):25-32.

Book Reviews "How is a Confucian Communitarism Possible?" Review Essay on the Asian Values and Human Rights: A Confucian Communitarian Perspective (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1998) by Wm. Theodore deBary. In Public Intellectual, forthcoming. Logische Untersuchungen Bd. 1 & 2 (Tubingen: Max Niemyer Verlag, 1980) by E. Husserl. In 20 shi ji xifangzhe xue ming zhu dao du [Introduction to the Major Works of Western Philosophy in 20th Century] (Hunan: Hunan Press, 1992), pp. 83-89. Ideenzu einer reinen Phänomenologie undphänomenologischen Philosophie Bd. I, 2 & 3 (Haag: Martinus Nijhoff, 1976) by E. Husserl. In ibid, pp. 97-101. Cartesianische Meditationen (Haag: Martinus Nijhoff, 1976) by E. Husserl. In ibid., pp. 101-108. Der Grundproblem der Phänomenologie (Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klosermann, 1975) by M. Heidegger. In ibid., pp. 134-140.