Piatigorsky, A.

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Alexander P.jpg
PersonType Category:Professors
FirstName / namefirst Alexander
LastName / namelast Piatigorsky
bio To present Alexander Piatigorsky in the conventional format of biography would be not only an extremely difficult but also an entirely futile enterprise. Piatigorsky himself wrote about people without a “biography”, that is those who do not set themselves any goals and thus could not be said to march victoriously (or ingloriously) from one milestone of their life to another; those who do not bear on their weary shoulders the burden of their achievements or newly exposed and fossilised truths to be recorded in the annals of history. Such people Piatigorsky characterised as “freely passing” since at no point could they be pinned down or drawn over to a particular standpoint or world view to be exploited as its advocates. Piatigorsky himself can be reckoned among these “freely passing” individuals. So he lived his life and so he travelled, always light-handed, with two mantra books (which he knew off by heart anyway) and a packet of cigarettes in his pocket. His lightness was often taken for light-mindedness, and his fluidity of thought for scientific frivolity. (Alexander Piatigorsky)
YearBirth 1929/01/30
YearDeath 2009/10/25
BornIn Moscow, Russia
associatedwebsite https://alexanderpiatigorsky.com
phduniversity Moscow State University
IsInGyatsa No
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