Rangjung Yeshe's English Term |
Simplicity. 1) The absence of creating mental construct or conceptual formulations about the nature of things. 2) The second stage in the practice of Mahamudra. simplicity, freedom from/ free of (conceptual) elaborations; unembellished free of elaborations, freedom from conceptual elaboration. freedom from constructing, non-complex, simplicity, without fabrication. unconditioned. "Free from [mental] complexities / elaborations / fabrications, 2) one of the {phyag rgya chen po'i rnal 'byor bzhi} the four yogas of Mahamudra. the second yoga of Mahamudra, "beyond playwords"; free of conceptual elaborations; free of conceptual complication; free of mental elaborations, free of elaborations, see also {spros bral rnal 'byor}. freedom from constructs, simplicity |