PersonType | Category:Classical Indian Authors Category:Authors of Sanskrit Works |
MainNamePhon | Maitreya |
MainNameTib | བྱམས་པ་ |
MainNameWylie | byams pa |
MainNameDev | मैत्रेय |
MainNameSkt | Maitreya |
AltNamesTib | འཕགས་པ་བྱམས་པ་ · བྱམས་པའི་མགོན་པོ་ · མགོན་པོ་བྱམས་པ་ |
AltNamesWylie | 'phags pa byams pa · byams pa'i mgon po · mgon po byams pa |
BiographicalInfo | Maitreya is often called the future Buddha and is the bodhisattva who resides in Tushita heaven until coming to the human realm to take the role of the next Buddha after Shakyamuni Buddha. |
TeacherOf | Asaṅga |
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IsInGyatsa | No |
BnwShortPersonBio | Known in Tibetan as the "Lord of Love" or the "Noble Loving One" འཕགས་པ་བྱམས་པ། (Pakpa Jampa), the "Loving Protector" བྱམས་པའི་མགོན་པོ་ (Jampay Gonpo), in Chinese as 弥勒佛 (Mi Le Fo), Japanese as Miroku, and commonly as Maitreya throughout Asia and beyond. Maitreya is the bodhisattva called the "future Buddha" who resides in Tushita heaven until coming to the human realm to take the role of the next Buddha after Shakyamuni Buddha. According to tradition, Asaṅga received teachings from Maitreya and recorded them in the five major works of Maitreya, which form the basis for buddha-nature teachings and the larger Yogacara teachings in general. |
PosBuNayDefProv | Definitive |
PosAllBuddha | Yes |
PosAnalyticMedit | Meditative Tradition |
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Search Words: maitreya
- 'phags pa byams pas zhus pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo / (Arya-maitreyaparipRcchA-nAma-mahAyAna-sUtra.)
- [P. No.] 0816, mdo sna tshogs, nu 293a3-293b6 (vol.33, p.36)
- [D. No.] 0149, mngo sde, pa 330b1-331a2. [N] da 470b7-472a2. [Kinsha] -
- 'phags pa byams pa 'jug pa zhes bya ba theg pa chen po'i mdo / (Arya-maitreyaprasthAna-nAma-mahAyAna-sUtra.)
- [Tr] jinamitra., [Tr] prajAvarma., [Tr] surendrabodhi., [Tr] ye shes sde /
- [P. No.] 0865, mdo sna tshogs, mu 283a3-304b2 (vol.34, p.241)
- [D. No.] 0198, mngo sde, tsa 274b6-296a7. [N] ba 440b5-475b2. [Kinsha] -
- byams pa'i sgrub thabs / (maitreyasAdhana.)
- [Tr] abhaya., [Tr] tshul khrims rgyal mtshan / (zIladhvaja.), [Tr] zAnta.
- [P. No.] 4087, rgyud 'grel, thu 301a7-301b4 (vol.80, p.200)
- [D. No.] 3264, rgyud, bu 19a4-19b1. [N] thu 286b4-287a1. [Kinsha] 2089, thu 376a1 (p.188-3-1)
- byams pa'i sgrub thabs / (maitreyasAdhana.)
- [Tr] abhaya., [Tr] tshul khrims rgyal mtshan / (zIladhvaja.)
- [P. No.] 4088, rgyud 'grel, thu 301b4-302a1 (vol.80, p.200)
- [D. No.] 3265, rgyud, bu 19b1-19b5. [N] thu 287a1-287a6. [Kinsha] 2090, thu 376a6 (p.188-3-6)
- byams pa'i sgrub thabs / (maitreyasAdhana.)
- [Tr] don yod rdo rje / (amoghavajra.), [Tr] ba ri /
- [P. No.] 4172, rgyud 'grel, du 44a8-44b6 (vol.80, p.235-236)
- [D. No.] 3351, , mu 35a3-35a7. [N] du 39b4-40a2. [Kinsha] 2174, du 47a1 (p.24-2-1)
- byams pa'i sgrub thabs / (maitreyasAdhana.)
- [P. No.] 4433, rgyud 'grel, du 307a2-307a7 (vol.81, p.47)
- [D. No.] 3611, , mu 236a3-236a6. [N] du 280a2-280a5. [Kinsha] 2435, du 332b2 (p.167-4-2)
- byams pa'i sgrub thabs / (maitreyasAdhana.)
- [P. No.] 4434, rgyud 'grel, du 307a7-307b4 (vol.81, p.47)
- [D. No.] 3612, , mu 236a6-236b2. [N] du 280a5-280b2. [Kinsha] 2436, du 332b6 (p.167-4-6)
- 'phags pa byams pa'i sgrub thabs / (AryamaitreyasAdhana.)
- [A] zAkyazrIbhadra., [Tr] byams pa'i dpal / (maitrIzrI.)
- [P. No.] 4470, rgyud 'grel, du 340a4-340b2 (vol.81, p.60-61)
- [D. No.] 3647, , mu 260b1-260b5. [N] du 308b3-308b7. [Kinsha] 2472, du 369a6 (p.184-4-6)
- 'phags pa byams pa'i sgrub thabs / (AryamaitreyasAdhana.)
- [A] thogs med / (asaGga.), [Rev] buddhazrI., [Tr] dge bshes ston pa /, [Rev] gnubs /, [Tr] jo bo chen po /
- [P. No.] 4471, rgyud 'grel, du 340b2-341b4 (vol.81, p.61)
- [D. No.] 3648, , mu 260b5-261b2. [N] du 308b7-309b6. [Kinsha] 2473, du 369b4 (p.185-4-4)
- srid pa'i 'pho ba'i Ti ka / (bhavasaMkrAntiTIkA.)
- [A] byams pa mgon po / (maitreyanAtha.), [Tr] gru ston chung /, [Tr] zla ba gzhon nu /
- [P. No.] 5241, dbu ma, tsa 171b4-178b2 (vol.95, p.71-73)
- [D. No.] 3841, mdo 'grel, tsa 151b7-158a7. [N] tsa 162a7-169a6. [Kinsha] 3240, tsa 232a6 (p.116-3-6)
- theg pa chen po mdo sde'i rgyan gyi tshig le'ur byas pa / (mahAyAnasUtrAlaMkArakArikA.)
- [A] byams pa mgon po / (maitreya nAtha.), [Rev] parahita., [Rev] sajjana., [Tr] zAkyasiMha., [Rev] blo ldan shes rab /, [Tr] dpal brtsegs /
- [P. No.] 5521, sems tsam, phi 1-43b3 (vol.108, p.1-19)
- [D. No.] 4020, sems tsam, phi 1a1-39a4. [N] phi 1a1-38a2. [Kinsha] 3520, phi 1b1 (p.1-2-1)
- dbus dang mtha' rnam par 'byed pa / (madhyAntavibhAga.)
- [A] mgon po byams pa / (nAtha maitreya.), [Tr] jinamitra., [Tr] zIlendrabodhi., [Tr] ye shes sde /
- [P. No.] 5522, sems tsam, phi 43b4-48b1 (vol.108, p.19-21)
- [D. No.] 4021, sems tsam, phi 40b1-45a6. [N] phi 38a2-42a6. [Kinsha] 3521, phi 47b1 (p.25-2-1)
- chos dang chos nyid rnam par 'byed pa / (dharmadharmatAvibhAga.)
- [A] byams pa / (maitreya.), [Rev] parahita., [Tr] zAntibhadra., [Rev] dga' rdor /, [Tr] tshul khrims rgyal ba /
- [P. No.] 5523, sems tsam, phi 48b1-51b6 (vol.108, p.21-22)
- [D. No.] 4022, sems tsam, phi 46b1-49a6. [N] phi 42a6-45b3. [Kinsha] 3522, phi 54b1 (p.29-1-1)
- chos dang chos nyid rnam par 'byed pa'i tshig le'ur byas pa / (dharmadharmatAvibhaGgakArikA.)
- [A] mgon po byams pa / (nAtha maitreya.), [Tr] mahAjana., [Tr ] seng ge rgyal mtshan /
- [P. No.] 5524, sems tsam, phi 51b6-54b7 (vol.108, p.22-24)
- [D. No.] 4023, sems tsam, phi 50b1-53a7. [N] phi 45b3-48b2. [Kinsha] 3523, phi 59b1 (p.31-2-1)
- theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i bstan bcos / (mahAyAnottaratantrazAstra.)
- [A] mgon po byams pa / (nAtha maitreya.), [Tr] sajjana., [Tr] blo ldan shes rab /
- [P. No.] 5525, sems tsam, phi 54b7-74b6 (vol.108, p.24-32)
- [D. No.] 4024, sems tsam, phi 54b1-73a7. [N] phi 48b3-69a3. [Kinsha] 3524, phi 64b1 (p.33-3-1)
- 'phags pa dgongs pa nges par 'grel pa'i mdo las 'phags pa byams pa'i le'u nyi tshe'i bshad pa / ([AryasaMdhinirmocanasUtre-AryamaitreyakevalaparivartabhASya.])
- [A] ye shes snying po / (jAnagarbha.)
- [P. No.] 5535, sems tsam, tshi 171a1-203a8 (vol.109, p.193-209)
- [D. No.] 4033, sems tsam, bi 318b1-345a7. [N] tshi 164b2-197a5. [Kinsha] 3534, tshi 188b1 (p.94-3-1)
- 'phags pa byams pa'i smon lam / ([AryamaitreyapraNidhAna.])
- [P. No.] 5925, ngo mtshar bstan bcos, mo 292a7-293b1 (vol.150, p.237)
- [D. No.] 4378, sna tshogs, nyo 303b3-no 304b5. [N] mo 284b6-285b7. [Kinsha] 3934, mo 362b5 (p.181-4-5)